Thursday, April 20, 2017

WORD 2day: Easter Thursday 2017

The Fragrance of Easter is Hope

20th April: Acts 3: 11-26; Lk 24: 35-48

The part that remains even after the thing is removed from vicinity is the fragrance! And the fragrance that is left behind by Easter is that of Hope! The people throng all around Peter and John, because they have seen something terrific. The were excited at the prospects of seeing more things as such. They were enjoying and cherishing that moment. Just imagine the excitement that would have been when the disciples  witnessed Jesus stand amidst them, that Jesus whom they thought was killed. Jesus, makes them understand that these events have always been there, foretold and awaited. Now that they are fulfilled, you get the fragrance of it, and it is hope!

Our life has to be filled with this fragrance, if not we have not yet experience true easter. Out minds, our households, our relationships, our workplaces and wherever we are, we need to sense the fragrance of hope - which says, the Lord will triumph, love will triumph, the will of God alone will triumph! Do you smell hope wherever you are? Do people smell hope, where you are?

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