Tuesday, April 18, 2017

WORD 2day: Easter Wednesday 2017

The Touch of Easter is Mercy

19th April: Acts 3: 1-10; Lk 24: 13-35

The touch of Easter is Mercy; a boundless, limitless,  endless mercy. A very curious fact that we can ask ourselves: the apostles betrayed Jesus, denied Jesus and abandoned Jesus when he needed them the most. But when Jesus rose from death and came to meet his apostles, did he ever ask them the question - why did you do this to me? Never. In the Gospel today, with the two disciples on their way to Emmaus, Jesus joins them and shares their concerns, enquiring and clarifying their doubts and anxieties. The apostles were filled with grief when Jesus was killed. When they came to know that Jesus rose, indeed they were happy but more than that, they felt guilty. They were wondering how they would face Jesus. Jesus on his part, with a merciful heart treats them with love and forgiveness. 

The apostles did not miss learning that lesson - they were schooled at the school of mercy of the Son of God. Peter and John demonstrate that at the Beautiful Gate in the first reading today. Gold or silver we have none, in the name of Jesus, get up and walk, says Peter and the crippled man received his healing. 

If we are to be Easter people, we need to be people with forgiveness and love, sensitivity and care, in short people of boundless mercy. The touch of easter is truly, mercy!

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