Sunday, May 21, 2017


You did not choose me but I chose you. 
And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last (Jn 15:16).


People care little about the tree. 

Good fruits invite not only worms, but also stones. If worms are signs of dangers from within, stones are attacks from outside. When the tree bears fruit as a sign of its maturity, the tree will attract attention from passers by, from people who are looking for some benefits, from people who wish to make use of the resources wherever they are. 

Can the tree complain about people who are throwing stones at it? Goodness is prone to attack. Goodness disturbs people, specially the so-called "normal" people. When the entire society looks at convenience and comfort, the fruit bearing people look for convictions and character. No one looks at the breaking branches or the tearing leaves. No one cares about the amount of time taken to produce a fruit, the stages that it has passed through and all the effort that had gone in to bring that fruit to that fullness. 

However the fruit has to remember that if it were still an unripened raw matter, no one would even care a bit for it. The stones received, though it may cause some pain, they were truly marks of recognition of the fruit as to what it is.

Stones of jealousy, stones of criticism, stones of persecution, stones of hurdles - stones abound in types and number. Remember, if there are no  stones coming your way, it is an alarm that you are too far from all that you are called to be. If there are no stones thrown at you, you might be so scarcely inspiring to people around you. If there are no stones hurled at you, sadly you might be in such weak position to make any difference. 

Grow to the full. Be all that you can be. Make a difference and expect stones anytime. 

Someone throws a stone at you, what do you do? Give them fruits! Yes, the trees give fruits to those who throw stones. They don't throw stones back. Be filled with such goodness that you give out goodness, whatever the other throws at you. 

Consider Paul, the Apostle par excellence. Even after he found the Lord and encountered him, he had the choice of remaining safe and secure going around only where he is accepted. He knew people were throwing stones at him and the stones were increasing by the day. But nothing stopped him. Woe to me, he thought, if I do not preach the good news. Inspite of all the stones that are thrown at you, be good. Do good. Grow good. 

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