Monday, May 22, 2017


You did not choose me but I chose you. 
And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last (Jn 15:16).


Don't think they will be there forever.  

To bear fruit, fruit that will last - that is our call. Fruit that will last does not mean, fruits that will remain in the tree forever, unplucked or unpicked. If they remain so, what is the use of those fruits. Fruits are to be plucked, to be gathered and to be consumed! Can the tree claim the fruit to be all its own, merely because of the time taken and the effort put in? Can the tree have a say on who should pluck and who deserves not? After the tree has produced the fruit, it has no control over it. It is for public consumption and there are so many others who would be determining the rest of the issues. Is this not what Jesus meant when he instructed us with such clarity: when you have done all that you were ordered to do, say, 'we are worthless slaves; we have done only what we ought to have done' (Lk 17:10).

There are two things here that I need to accept and understand. The first fact is that I cannot decide who should pluck the fruit that I have borne or how it should be used. The tree, like it is said of the rain, does not check whether the recipient deserves it or not. With the fact that I have borne the fruit, my task is almost done, the only thing remaining being the fact that I need to give that fruit away for consumption. 

The second fact that needs my attention is, that my task is not over with bearing one fruit. It is here I begin to understand the true meaning of 'the fruit that lasts'. Bearing fruit does not become an isolated action performed or a particular activity carried out but it has to become by attitude, my life style, my programme of life. I cannot stop with producing one or a few fruits - I need to bear endless number of fruits and all these fruits are to be plucked.   

Let us make that prayer of Christ sound deep in our hearts 'Here I am Lord, behold I come to do your will'...Let me bear fruit in abundance and readily allow it to be  plucked! 


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