Tuesday, May 23, 2017


You did not choose me but I chose you. 
And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last (Jn 15:16).


Fruits gain nothing for themselves.  

Having borne the fruit, what is there for the tree to gain, much worse what does the fruit have to gain? Nothing, absolutely nothing - but that is the most beautiful meaning in the entire phenomenon of bearing fruit. After all that effort and self conditioning and maturation, the fruit is the manifestation of the fullness achieved. But at that moment if we raise a question, what after all is the gain for the tree or a doubt what really has the fruit to achieve further - we are at a loss. It is all about self-giving, total self-giving. Jesus emptied himself, became like us, accepted death, death on a cross, was crucified... after all the centuries of preparation, is this the best that the Lord can do? Yes, of course, this is the best that the Lord could do... give of Himself, give Himself, give Himself totally!

When we bear fruit, that is, when we have reached a certain capability of contributing to the others and to the common, we die to be noticed, we yearn to be appreciated, we look for what we can gain or establish by whatever we can contribute. Within the Spirituality of bearing fruit, this part of looking for dividends is totally out of question. What remains for you to gather after you have borne the fruit that you ought to: - nothing. But that nothing is everything. 

Bearing fruit, is not for my sake. It is for others, whether they deserve it or not, whether they recognise it or not, whether they value it or not. Giving of my self,my being, my entire life, is the maturity the Lord wishes to see in us. To bear fruit and not look for recognition, to give and never to expect anything in return, to love and never long to be loved... that is the climax of the entire process of bearing fruit. The Lord awaits our growing up!                                                                                                                                                                                                                     


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