Thursday, January 25, 2018



26th January: Remembering Sts. Timothy and Titus
2 Tim 1: 1-8; Mk 4: 26-34 

Timothy and Titus are two models we are presented with today.  They were both finds of the Apostle Paul on his journeys. Inspiring the listeners to make a life choice is a special gift that some are given with. St. Paul possessed this and used it well for the Reign of God. Timothy and Titus join the great band of apostles that Jesus initiated. 

How beautifully Paul speaks of faith in the first reading of today (we have chosen the one from the letter to Timothy) something that is gifted, something that has to be nurtured and something that has to be handed over and celebrated! 

Faith is a gift from God, as life and growth are. Just like the sower sows and waits for the grains to sprout, so do we sow all the goodness that we can and wait for the life and growth that God alone gives. We cannot be impatient and agitated to see their fruits, fruits will appear in God's own time, for it is the Lord who is at work!

Our faith has been sown in the ground of our hearts, it has to grow into the Reign of God on earth. Our responsibility is to nurture the seed (the faith) and await the fruit (Reign). It is not within our capacity to establish the Reign where we are, but it is within our capacity to live our faith to the full, because we are given a Spirit of power, love and self control! When we live it, the Reign will sprout!

The call the establish the Reign, however remains open and obligatory even today. Because, the Reign is yet to be made visibly present in the world. Every baptised person is entrusted with the task of establishing the Reign of God and what is your response? Do examples such as Timothy's and Titus' impel us towards action?

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