Wednesday, January 3, 2018

They came, they saw and they stayed!

WORD 2day: 4th January, 2018

1 Jn 3: 7-10; Jn 1: 35-42

Who is this? Where does he live? Why does our Master point to him as the 'One who is to come'? What is special about him? What has he to offer? - these were the scores of questions that were crisscrossing the minds of those two disciples. But Jesus answered them all with just one response: Come and See! Jesus just let them into his life, and allowed them to see who he was!

Will I be ready to let people into my life and see for themselves who I am? Will my daily life, my words and my thoughts, my choices and my values, manifest to even a casual onlooker, who I am? I have always been tickled by that question that one of our professors was used to ask us: if they arrested you for being a Christian, would they find enough reasons to prosecute you?

This is what John explains in his epistle too. Our life has to tell the world who we are: whether we are children of God or followers of the Enemy. If my life is filled with wrong choices and misfired priorities, will I be communicating Christ to the world? As the Church has been so vociferously teaching at least for the past half a century, the primary mode of evangelisation ought to be our personal lives. 

When those disciples were invited, they came, they saw and they stayed with Jesus! If someone comes, sees my life, will he or she today stay with Jesus?

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