Tuesday, January 23, 2018


24th January, 2018

Building family in household and church


Exodus 2:1-10          The birth of Moses
Psalm 127                Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain
Hebrews 11:23-24    Moses was hidden by his parents … because they saw
                               that the child was beautiful
Matthew 2:13-15      Joseph got up, took the child and his mother by night, and went to                                   Egypt

Happening today: 

In the world today, the family continues to be adversely affected by new factors such as the migration of parents, financial problems, domestic violence, questioning of fundamental beliefs and values, and so on. Facing this reality, the Christian communities are working to give support to both nuclear and extended families. There has to be an increased faithfulness, commitment and sensitivity towards our call to live as families, families of God.


Families are of central importance for the protection and nurture of children. The Bible accounts of the infancies of both Moses and Jesus, who were in mortal danger from the moment they were born because of the murderous orders of angry rulers, illustrate how vulnerable children can be to external forces. These stories also show how action can be taken to protect such little ones. Matthew presents us with a model of fatherhood that is in loving fidelity to the Lord’s command, especially in turbulent times.

The Scriptures view children as a blessing and as hope for the future. For the Psalmist, they are ‘like arrows in the hand of a warrior’. As Christians, we share a common calling to live as supportive family networks, relying on the strength of the Lord for the task of building strong communities in which children are protected and can flourish.

Gracious God,
you sent your son to be born in an ordinary family
with ancestors who were both faithful and sinful.
We ask your blessing upon all families
within households and communities.
We pray especially for the unity of the Christian family
so that the world may believe.
In Jesus’ name we pray,

The right hand of God
is writing in our land,
writing with power and with love;
our conflicts and our fears,
our triumphs and our tears, 

courtesy: http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_councils/chrstuni/weeks-prayer-doc/rc_pc_chrstuni_doc_20170613_week-prayer-2018_en.html

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