Wednesday, March 14, 2018

RevivaLent 2018 - #30

Revive your capacity to look into yourself

Thursday, 4th week in Lent: 15th March, 2018
Exo 32: 7-14; Jn 5: 31-47

The one who loves more will be hurt more! This is an ordinary experience of life. True love never counts the hurts, nor does it give up fearing hurt. God's love for us has proved this to us time and again. We see in the first reading today how the people were absolutely insensitive to God's love and went behind their need for a concrete and tangible expression of a passing love. All that they needed was to just take time and look into themselves, to look back into their lives, to look at the way they had come by! Moses had to come down, break those tablets amidst them and call their attention to those very things, and they realised their folly!

We may wonder reading this account, how was it possible for them to do it! After all the great experience of wonders and marvels in Egypt and in the desert, how could these people think of making a god for themselves! Let us not be too fast in this. Let us just pause and look at ourselves. How better are we?

How swift we are to give up on the Lord and Lord's ways, even after having experienced the Lord so much! We give it up for gods of our own making - our time more important than spending few extra minutes listening to the Word of God, our work more important than giving God the due that we should, our pleasures more important than taking up a few sacrifices for God and for God's plan... aren't these the same as what the people of Israel did?

Jesus says, your own actions shall be your judge! You think you can justify it saying the world has its demands on us and the times require certain changes in priorities, the Lord says, the Truth remains! And truth alone can set you free! 

Go into the depth of your hearts and look at the way you have travelled, the way God has loved you all this while, the way you have been nourished by the love of God, you will understand where you are going wrong! Be courageous enough to turn back, retread your ways to the Lord. Revive your capacity to look into yourself!

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