Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Light that sets me ablaze

Wednesday, 2nd week of Eastertide

April 10, 2018: Acts 5: 17-26; Jn 3:16-21

From the prison to freedom,  from the chains to an unfettered spirit,  from fear to total commitment... the Spirit of the Risen Lord strengthens one to walk towards the light! At times truth hurts and at times it costs much,  but if we are in the Spirit, we would count nothing too demanding.

I have always been fascinated by persons like Bro. Mario (those who are familiar with Divine Retreat Centre in Chalakudi, Kerala, would know him well), who have risked their lives for the sake of Christ. Through their lives they have become living illustrations of the episode from Acts that we read today. Another youngster in my life who has inspired me is one known to me, from Tamilnadu, who chose to be a Christian and chose to become a priest, discarding his lustrous engineering post in a firm and disappeared from his family to join a religious congregation, because they were mad at him in the family! Right now there are very many brothers and sisters in places like India, Pakistan, the Emirates and other Middle East nations, who do not consider the sufferings caused in anyway leaving them distraught about following the Lord!

If I have the courage to see the Truth,  accept it and live for it,  nothing can stop me, not even death;  because I have within me eternal life... the Light that sets me, not only on the right path, but even ablaze!

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