Thursday, May 24, 2018

Being Christians Today - A Feast day Assurance

Feast of Mary Help of Christians: 24th May, 2018

Mary Help of Christians, is a title that has been attributed our Blessed Mother right from the third century, but got its prominence in the 16th century and made popular in the 19th century! 

The battle of Lepanto won in the 16th century was a victory of the Christians over the Ottoman Turks; and in 19th Century Don Bosco's experience of an ever present mother in the Blessed Mother, specially when the Waldensian anti-catholics were up against him, and the re-entry of Pope Pius IX from  his political exile, made Don Bosco polemic about the Lady help of Christians. 

Looking at the historical significance of the title directly connected to the 16th century battle of Lepanto and the exile of the Pope in the 19th century, we tend to think today, that this title comes alive as the battle against the Christians is thickening all over the globe. 

The Christian way of life and the Christian values are put to question by the so-called free thinking individuals, relativising every thing to the extent that there is nothing left to hold on to, to firmly base ourselves or to have any certainty in life. Life is relativised, morals are relativised, truth and justice are relativised and even humanity is relativised today! 

This is not a moment for us Christians to give up, but a moment to stand up and proclaim the Truth, the Way and the Life... Mary Help of Christians, will be our inspiration and protection. Speaking particularly of India, or other places were religious fundamentalism seems to be raising its head against Christian faith - we are marching towards a future that holds for us more and more troubles and testing, hypothesizing with the present run of the course. Mary Help of Christians, is a title that is apt today and it calls for three immediate actions on our part as Christians:

UNITE as Christians under One Lord who has called you! 
UNTIE the knots that keep you locked from each other and establish seamless relations!
UNDERSTAND the true faith and its holistic meaning, beginning to live your faith everyday!

May Mary Help of Christians, help us Christians today, to live true to our faith!
2018 - is a very special year! 
It is 150 years since the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians 
in Valdocco, Turin was consecrated, in 1868. 
Let us heed to the call of our Blessed Mother and 
unite as loving children of the Help of Christians, 
and grow closer to her son and our Saviour, Lord Jesus Christ.

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