Thursday, May 10, 2018

Joy, the Lord's joy!

Friday,  6th week in Eastertide

11th May, 2018: Acts 18: 9-18; Jn 16: 20-23

The joy that things give, are gone with the things gone. A mere feeling,  or a moment of happiness that comes from an external reason and fulfilled desires will last just as long as the situation does! Hence it is important that we don't attach our joys to things, moments or sensations.

Today the Lord promises us a joy that no one can take away from us,  that no situation can diminish. The dimensions of this joy is completely different from the joy that the world and its attachments can give. It is not a joy that arises from what we have done, or accomplished or acquired. It is not a joy that arises from a sensation or a state of gratification... but a joy that arises from within, from who we are, from the depths of our being, where the Lord resides - because it is the Lord alone who can truly give it.

The joy that the Lord gives comes from the Lord and just as the Lord is, so is the joy that the Lord gives: unchanging and ever present! It comes from the fact that God is with us, as the Lord promises in the first reading! With us always, strengthening and empowering us in the daily struggles of life. The Risen Lord ascends, with that ascends our hope for true joy in everyday life. 

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