Thursday, May 17, 2018

Oneness, the mark of the One Spirit

Thursday,  7th week in Eastertide

17th May, 2018: Acts 22:30 - 23: 6-11; Jn 17: 20-25

Just out of one danger, Paul is promised more of them! Courage!, says the Lord. We can live our life with courage and confidence because the Lord goes before us. Just as the Lord promises today to Paul,  it will be as in Jerusalem also in Rome, and in every other place. .. for the Lord precedes us wherever we may go.

All that we need to do is remain united: united to the Lord and united in the Lord,  remain one: one in heart and mind and thus witness to the oneness we see between the Father and the Son - that is the Spirit! Jesus continues to pray that we may be one because that would be the first witness to the Reign that he longed to establish on earth.

Jesus promises us the glory that God alone can give,  that comes from the perfection of being one! That determination,  that decision to remain before the world one and bold, will be the work of the Spirit who is the fellowship between the Father and the Son. Wherever we are,  let us be aware and convinced that we possess the glory that the Lord has promised, and live up to that glory,  to that gift,  to that person who has called us as one.

The Spirit makes us One. Oneness of heart and mind is the mark of the presence of the Spirit. The mindset with which we live our Christian calling matters a lot today, specially today when we are called more and more to witness amidst challenges. Oneness is a litmus test for a Christian today - if we can rise above all differences and remain one in heart and mind, respect and love each other, truly remain united in the Lord, then we are people of the Spirit. If not...

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