Friday, May 18, 2018

The Spirit comes that we may Go

Saturday, 7th week in Eastertide

19th May,  2018: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Jn 21: 20-25

Don't you find a sense of winding up in the readings today? A type of 'and-they-lived-happily-thereafter' narration! Paul seems to settle down for good in Rome as an honoured guest in house arrest,  while Jesus seems to be bidding his final bye as the book of John comes to an end. The end is for a new beginning. 

The Church awaits the all important feast of the Pentecost tomorrow,  an outpouring of the Spirit that led to a renewed life and radical witness. This is what Jesus said -you should in fact be happy that I am going away, he said, because unless I go you will not receive the Advocate that I shall be sending you from the Father.

I remember an elderly confrere whom we had with us some years ago, he was beyond his 90. Especially after a chat over a cup of tea in the evening, he would say, 'so my dear people, I have to go.' And we would say, 'Oh you really have to go?' He would reply with a wit in his eyes, 'how can I come back, if I dont go?' Coming and going are part of life...but what they are for, is that which matters truly.

The message today is our call to 'follow Christ' in season and out of season,  whether we are free or captive,  whether we live or die, whether we eat or drink, whether we go or we came! The Spirit prepares us for that... that we may be at the task given to us, ever on the move! The Spirit comes that we may Go! 

Good news has to be announced by all means and the responsibility is ours,  irrespective of our state of life or situation at present. How prepared and willing am I?

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