Friday, August 3, 2018

The plight of a prophet

Remembering St. John Marie Vianney

August 4, 2018: Jer 26: 1-11,16 ; Mt 14: 1-12

Constant threat to life, drastic insecurities of life, total nonacceptance from the rest of the so called normal people, pressures of helplessness...these form part of the usual plight of a prophet, not just in the days of Jeremiah and John the Baptist but even today. That explains why real prophets are a rare phenomenon. However, it has often occurred to me that, the difference between a true prophet and a self-righteous egoist is very thin and dangerously subtle.

The first element that can demarcate the two is the FOCUS. When Jeremiah spoke to the people and the princes, he never looked for support or people who can come to his defence. His focus was determinantly on what God wanted him to say and nothing else.

The second element is DETACHMENT from the result. Though the message is definitely pointed towards a change, a result,  the prophet is not excessively anxious about it. At times a self righteous person can be on a ego trip claiming credits and proving his point. A true prophet desists this tendency naturally.

The third element is absolute FEARLESSNESS. A fearlessness that makes them hard people to handle for the authorities and the hierarchy. But that fearlessness comes from their unwavering trust, confidence and hope in the never failing presence of the Lord!

We have a saint today who shines as an epitome of these qualities at any point in his life, whether at the moment when he was about to be sent out of the seminary for his dullness of intellect,  or when he was rather dumped into a 'god forsaken' village as they thought, or when the people did not even bother about the new priest at the Church, or when he had just empty pews to preach to, he never gave up!  He was always mindful of the fact that it was the Lord who had called him and sent him to that village. That faith paid off!  That village experienced a revival. He proved a true prophet!

As we resolve today to take the faith perspective of our life seriously,  let us whisper a prayer for every priest whom we know, specially for those who are in some kind of crisis. May Vianney intercede for a revival.

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