Sunday, October 28, 2018

Being Children of Light

Monday,  30th week in Ordinary time

October 29, 2018: Ephesians 4:32 - 5:8; Lk 13: 10-17

'Children of Light', that is how St.Paul addresses us in the first reading today. The readings also paints a clear picture of what it means to be children of God...

Personal purity that makes one shine amidst darkness.  The endurance that keeps  one from any compromise merely for the reason  that they are not seen is foundational to this. Today people are more worried about privacy breach, than about what they are upto in their so-called private lives - very indicative, isn't it?

Interpersonal simplicity that makes one godly and does not give into to complications such as ego, discrimination and revengeful rancour. Looking at the other and instantly perceiving the need of the other, not their weakness: that is Godliness. Any type of exploitation or discrimination begins when we look at the other through the selfish filter of usefulness!

Spiritual ìdentity that makes me convinced of my link to the Lord,  so convinced that I am always conscious that it is  the Lord's image that I carry and manifest. I do not compare myself with others but always understand me with reference to my God, who has created me and commissioned me! What does God want of me right now, should be the only question that matters!

In short, growing in personal purity, interpersonal simplicity and spiritual identity means becoming like God, simply because we are children of God. Jesus, our Light, showed us how to live it in his life. He invites us to grow everyday to be truly children of light. Are we growing to be?

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