Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Recognising the wells of Salvation

Wednesday, 29th Week in Ordinary time 

October 24, 2018: Ephesians 3: 2-12; Luke 12: 39-48

Jesus continues his instruction as to how we need to be prepared for that hour of reckoning at any point of time in our life. In fact Jesus is ridiculing all the funny discussions and calculations about when that hour will come - some self proclaimed eschatological quacks make much ado of the end and its timings and miss the entire point that Jesus is driving home here.  Picking the cue from them, there are those who speak as if they know everything under the sun, or even above it! 

Recently, I happened to waste my time on a video circulated of a saffron clad pantomath saying, "they have been claiming for the past 2000 years that Christ will come today and tomorrow, but he has not come! Neither Christ or Mohammad or Jehovah will ever come!" The simpleton just did not realise, Christ is here, right here living amidst us and he need not come from elsewhere! Christ is a mystery and no one can understand it; one can only experience or live that mystery!

So, do not look at the Second Coming as a day or as a moment when everything will come to a stand still and there will be an UFO coming down from the sky... give up on that crap! And thinking of the time and the hour and predicting it with such precisions... let us grow up, please! 

No matter when and where,  you know what to do and why to do it. Take care how you do it - not seeking human attention but going by merely God's approval. The wells of Salvation are within you! The Lord has placed God's word and God's law within you. You know it when it is right and you see it when it is wrong. You don't need an external apparatus for this recognition. The internal system of convictions and criteria that makes me draw inspiration and direction from within me... doing nothing but good, speaking nothing but good,  thinking nothing but good, no matter how unlikely the returns are, or what the consequences would be. These are the wells of salvation - we better begin to recognise them within us and live our life in grace! 

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