Thursday, February 6, 2020

A life for God

WORD 2day: Friday, 4th week in Ordinary time

February 7, 2020: Ecclesiasticus 47:2-13; Mark 6: 14-29

Today we read the glories of David from the Philosopher... glory that came directly from the fact that his was a life lived for God and totally for God. All his mistakes and blunders were overlooked because of his overwhelming dedication to God and God's purposes. David had one identity over and above everything else, that he was a beloved son of God and that did the magic.

The Gospel reminds us of another man with a very strong identity, that he was a man of God, a messenger of God, a forerunner to the Saviour. John the Baptist, or for that matter any martyr we could think of, what really matters is not so much the fact that they died for Christ as the fact that they lived for Christ!  They lived so much for God that dying did not matter to them. 

For me to live is Christ and to die is gain, said Paul. These lives are purest translations of that principle that Paul expounds. What matters today for me, is not whether I am ready to die for Christ, well, in its time I might need to face that too. But more important is to respond to the question, whether I am ready to live for Christ, to live for God, to live for God's purposes! Let us sharpen our purpose in life, on a daily basis, that we may live every moment a life that is lived for God

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