Friday, February 7, 2020

The Strange Choices

WORD 2day: Saturday, 4th week in Ordinary time

February 8, 2020: 1 Kings 3: 4-13; Mark 6: 30-34

The choices we make are based on the priorities we hold. We are aware of so many psychological tests based on the types of choices a person makes, leading to the reasons and applications of the same into an analysis. That is only an indication to say, there is more than what meets the eye, in a choice that a person makes. There are subconscious elements that determine a choice in any given concrete situation - that is where the priorities truly abide.

Today in the Word,  we have some strange choices: Solomon who chooses a less attractive but more divine choice; Jesus who makes a tiring tough choice of being with people; and the apostles who had just returned from hectic outing but glad to be with Jesus once again...all strange choices given the circumstances. But every one of those choice had an underlying grace! 

Solomon's choice was applauded by the Lord because the priority was the people of God, and not his own glory or dominance. Jesus' choice is so elevating because, he chooses to cater to the people of God, not his own personal comfort or rest. The choice of the apostles to be with their Master, was a choice so ideal because they did not mind their state of exhaustion. 

These choices would be considered inopportune by a world which looks at unwinding as so important, personal space as sacred, total self-giving as a burn out and other-orientedness as stupidity! For those who are centered on God, God's purposes and God's people, these choices need not be strange at all. When we are united with the Lord, in heart and mind, our choices will be considered strange, don't be alarmed, we do have company!

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