Saturday, March 21, 2020


THE WORD IN LENT - 4th Sunday

The Requirements of our Call to Proclaim 
March 22, 2020: 1 Samuel 16: 1,6-7, 10-13; Ephesians 5:8-14; John 9: 1-41

"We are children of the Light", the readings remind us today and invite us to live in the light! To awake from the slumber of the darkness, to avoid the works of the people of darkness and to acknowledge that we have been anointed to announce the good news to the world - that is the call to be children of the light. It is a dialogue of Proclamation, the dialogue of recognising the Light within me and sharing it with the world! 

These are also the requirements, the demands, the prerequisites to be truly children of the light. We need to be convinced that we have the light within us, the Light of the world is with us and within us. We are lighted to shine, we are lighted to shine as testimonies to that Light which longs to lead everyone to fullness of life. We need to announce the the world, to every one around that they are called to that fullness of light; that they are called to that splendour that God has placed within us, as children of God. 

We are called to SEE. Blindness is not merely of the physical eye... blindness of the heart to perceive the something that is so apparent is the worst of all blindness. Physical blindness is a handicap, but Spiritual blindness sometimes is a choice, a choice against something obvious! Not to see the goodness of the other, not to see the good the other has done to you, not to see the great things that God has done for us, these are the blindnesses out of which the Lord calls us today. 

The darkness within us can surround us so much that we may find so comfortable and cosy within it, not knowing that it is actually eating into us...making us more and more empty. That was the problem of the pharisees and the scribes: they were so cosy in their own world but Jesus disturbed them! He called them to light, he called them to awake. The Word today, calls us to AWAKE and see the Light, shining on us!

We are called to SEE LIKE GOD. As children of God we are called to see like God. The first reading presents to us an incident where the Lord gives us a practical lesson for our life. David, the least of all in the family of Jesse was chosen against all odds to be the ruler of Israel. There are other such occasions too that we find in the Bible: Joseph the sold slave, Gideon the weakling, Esther the orphan girl and so on. The message is clear: to see like God. As the Lord clarifies it (1 Sam 16:7), the Lord sees the heart and not the external appearances; the Lord sees the internal disposition and not the eternal display; the Lord sees the interior openness and not a stubborn self righteousness. 

To see like God would mean to AVOID the works of the people of darkness, who try to close their eyes to any good that someone can do because of a prejudice they have at heart; who look for any lame excuse to judge and vilify others merely because they do not like the other; who look at others as threats and wait to see their ruin.It is a real challenge in the world today, to stay clear of the works of darkness, the thoughts of darkness, the prejudices of darkness, the discriminations of darkness - all in the name of traditions, customs and age old practices. Beware! Avoid the works of darkness and put on the armour of Light!

We are called to MAKE OTHERS SEE GOD. We are anointed people of God, chosen children of God. Peter reminds us in his letter, "You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. God's own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light" (1 Pet 1:9). The man in the Gospel was given his sight, as he was 'sent to Siloam'..he was sent, as we are sent! We are sent... with the light... that we may carry that light to all... that light which becomes the judgement of the world. As long as we do not realise it, we are not culpable; but the moment we realise it, we are liable to judgement, we are burdened with this call, we are loaded with a great responsibility on our shoulders as people of God: to be testimonies!

By our baptism we have been ANOINTED and by the sacrament of confirmation we are confirmed in the anointing, and we are sent - that we are to announce to the world the good news of the love of God. That we may see and see like God, we are given the Light of the Lord. The Light shines within us with such splendour that it radiates to the world around us! We are commissioned to be testimonies of the Light, the Light that shines within us, the Light shines in the world. 

If we can say like that blind man in the Gospel - "One thing I know, I was blind and now I can see!" - we are testimonies to the Light that shines within us, the Light that can give meaning to the world. When we really see and see like God, the works of God will be made visible through us and that is what we are called to. Let us thank God for having given us God's light and let us be lighted to be testimonies of the the Light to the world.

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