Friday, September 18, 2020

Sowing, growing and what is in between...

 WORD 2day: Saturday, 24th week in Ordinary time

September 19, 2020: 1 Corinthians 15: 35-37, 42-49; Luke 8: 4-15

The Word today speaks of sowing and growing, and what goes on in between these - dying and being reborn! Dying and being reborn, is not merely an other-worldly experience as we immediately tend to think. It is a daily experience - think of the breathing process... every time we breathe out it is an experience of death (that is why it is called 'expiration' - breathing out) and every time we breathe in again, it is a new lease of life that we take in. Every night we go to rest, the entire system of our body comes to rest, it can either get to a halt or replenish itself - that is a daily miracle. Scientists say about 300 million cells die every minute in our bodies and equal numbers replace them! But with regard to our spiritual regeneration, how prepared are we to die and to be reborn?

The aspects of dying to ourselves and being reborn in Christ is a criterion for Christian living (cf. Rom 6). Many of us who claim to be followers, disciples and apostles of Christ, still refuse to die to certain tendencies, elements within our selves, which militate against the Spirit of the Lord who wants to dwell within us, for we are called to be the dwelling place of God, the temples of the Holy Spirit (cf. 1 Cor 3:16, 6:19).

Of course, there are situations that are against our becoming totally the dwelling place of God: like the parched land or the scorching heat or the choking thorns. It could be a dry patch in life, or a difficult phase, or an intense suffering, or a repeated pounding of physical or spiritual pain. That is everyone's experience (of course, the intensity varies) and hence, cannot be ever a valid reason for our personal lack of commitment to belong to the Lord and for our lagging in efforts to grow closer to God. 

God has sown. God has called us and chosen us and appointed us, each in our own life and in our own context. What matters now is our personal commitment, perseverance, and loving decision to belong and to grow into the image and likeness of the One who has caused us and called us. What is in between sowing and growing is our effort, our commitment, our willingness to die and to be reborn!

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