Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Resurrection Effect

WORD 2day: Friday, 24th week in Ordinary time

September 18, 2020: 1 Corinthians 15: 12-20; Luke 8: 1-3

The Word today points to an identity that is so fundamental to a follower of Christ - the Resurrection Effect! 

The first of all effects that Christ has on his followers is the Resurrection effect. It is a life filled with hope! If Christ were not raised from the dead, our faith would be in vain - declares St. Paul today. We are filled with a hope so great that nothing, not even death can take away the meaning of our life. Especially today when we are faced with a life threatening situation and a crisis that eats into our peace of mind and serenity, it is essential to reinforce this source of meaning in life. The pandemic experience can result in two extremes - one, looking at everything as meaningless and flimsy...that would be hopelessness; or, looking at everything with a sense of fear and trepidation... that would be overcrowding our minds with anxiety and nervousness. Both of these are, as said already, extremes. The point of serenity lies in hope - that is a resurrection effect. 

Secondly, we find today Jesus amidst the first community that he himself had initiated, the proto community, the seed that he planted - the Twelve, and some women! That is another resurrection effect - the fruit of rising above all the pettiness of the world, discarding the divisions, despising differences of gender or geography, and becoming one people! We are all baptised into the one Spirit - Jews or Greeks, free or slaves, we are all filled with the same Spirit, St. Paul would instruct (1 Cor 12:13). The resurrection effect is uniting, synthesising, harmonising and creating communion, and never division and discrimination. The capacity for communion and solidarity - that is another resurrection effect.

Today, let us look at our faith communities - it could be our family, our religious communities, or parish communities: is it one body? Is it united in the Risen Lord? Is it truly 'following' the Lord? Does it have the 'mind' of Christ? Are we really Resurrection Community, Resurrection people, with the Resurrection effect?

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