Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Fan the flame of your faith


January 26, 2021: Remembering Sts Timothy and Titus
2 Timothy 1: 1-8; Mark 3: 31-35

Timothy and Titus are two models we are presented with today. They were both finds of St. Paul on his journeys. Inspiring the listeners to make a life choice is a special gift that some are given with. St. Paul possessed this and used it well for the Reign of God. Timothy and Titus join the great band of apostles that Jesus initiated.

Writing to Timothy Paul instructs, in the passage we reflect on as first reading, to fan into flame the gift that Timothy received when he was prayed over! To fan the flame of faith - is to be aware of the gift that we have received (faith), to rekindle constantly the act of faith, and to keep the faith alive. Keeping the faith aliveis to keep growing in our relationship with God and allowing that relationship to affect every other relationship in life and every other aspect of our lives. 

Today the call remains open: to fan the flame of our faith. The points for reflection are - are we aware of the gift of faith that we have received? How keen are we to keep our faith alive on a daily basis? What do we do to keep the flame of faith burning and consuming? 

May the examples such as Timothy's and Titus' impel us towards action, to fan the flame of our faith. 

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