Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Where do the seeds fall?

WORD 2day: Wednesday, 3rd week in Ordinary time

January 27, 2021: Hebrew 10: 11-18; Mark 4: 1-20

The Word today speaks to us of living an acceptable life in the presence of God. It is never the case that the Lord rejects us or finds us unacceptable; the Lord said he had come to call the sinners and not the righteous! But the fact is we alienate ourselves from the Lord by the very choices we make on a daily basis and at every moment of decision making. 

We may easily complain...the situation around is bad or that the conditions of life are not conducive. But we are asked to do the best without any compromise, wherever we are or in whatever condition we find ourselves in; the rest the one who has called us will take care. We can plant, water and take care, it is the Lord who gives us the growth!

Where do we permit the seed to fall - the seed is the Word of God which constantly comes to tell us what is right and acceptable in the eyes of the Lord; where do we permit that seed to fall? Far away from us or all around us or in precarious places or right at the heart of our being? If only we prioritise the Word of God and strive to live by it, we shall grow more and more capable of experiencing the grace of God's continual presence. Yes, it all depends where we allow the seed  of the Word to fall!

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