Sunday, October 3, 2021

Love alone is the answer - Peace and Goodness!


October 4, 2021: Celebrating St. Francis of Assisi
Jonah 1:1 - 2:1, 11; Luke 10: 25-37

Humanity has so many questions - why are the evil people thriving; why are the innocent suffering; why are there exploitations in the world; who is cause of the misery of the poor; why is there so much of violence and killing; what makes people turn against each other... how many questions we face in our daily life and in today's world. Yes, humanity has all these questions, but Love alone is the answer! 

People may turn evil, but they were created out of love and they are called to live with that love, in joy and fulfillment. When they make mistakes, it begins to affect the other, finally there will be a time when it comes back to them. Self centered exploitation of the other is a deprivation of love. Violence and killings are but inevitable consequences of these. Celebrating Francis of Assisi today, we are inspired to think of a man who loved not just other human persons, but a person who loved every 'other'... the nature-other, the cosmic-other, the 'other' in all sense! That love alone can answer all the problems of today's world. 

If Love is felt to be present around, if Love is felt in each one's heart, if Love is found to animate every relationship, if true Love of God governs the whole world, misery, violence, killing, poverty, suffering, injustice, exploitation and every shade of sadness and grief will be wiped out. Will it happen? When that happens, what Francis of Assisi would say so often would become a reality: Peace and Goodness!

Peace and Goodness... aren't these the really longed for state of life on earth today? How can they come except through love, through a Love that pervades everyone towards wishing the good of every one else, of every other being! Let us understand, remember and remind each other today: to every single problem on earth, Love alone is the answer!

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