Monday, October 4, 2021

The art of prioritising

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 27th Week in Ordinary time

October 5, 2021: Jonah 3: 1-10; Luke 10: 38-42

Martha was doing a lot of good but what Mary chose was deemed to be the best. At times we spend our time and energy doing a lot of things, all of them good may be! But what is the best we can choose at a given moment, I believe that is the point of discernment. The best that I can choose at a point of time, is what is expected of me from God right then. 

The people of Nineveh had a keen sense of discernment and they made a concrete and clear choice. They had their priorities clear. My choices actually reveal my priorities. When my choices are repeated, when they are beyond all conditions and circumstances, it is an indication that they are becoming my priority! A priority determines what I do; and more than what I do, what I think; and much more, what I am!

Instead, spending hours together for an entertainment, investing enormous energy towards getting merely an appreciation, dumping whole life down the drain hoarding money, these are some warped priorities that threaten us these days. A majority of us give into it consciously or unwittingly. Jesus teaches us today the art of prioritising. 

Jesus says, place not just the first things first, but the most important things first! You may have to even give up on somethings, not merely because they are bad but even if they are good, merely because they are not as important. Seek ye first the Reign of God and everything else will be given unto you - that's a pearl of the art of prioritising!

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