Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Obey the Word or obey the world?

WORD 2day: Wednesday, 6th week in Ordinary time

February 16, 2022: James 1:19-27; Mark 8: 22-26

What are we called to: to obey the Word, or to obey the world? The "world" here would mean the popular tendency in the society today, to be counter-witnessed by a disciple of Christ, who is in the world, but not of the world. What kind of a witness does the world need today? That which kindles hope, that which renews faith and that which spreads love.

The world teaches to look at persons as trees, objects walking around from where I wish to get all that I can and all that I need. Consumerism, exploitation and the use-and-throw culture of the world today, looks at persons around as sources from where we can get something for ourselves. It is not that we do not know the facts - the facts of indifference and exploitation, the facts of insensitivity to the other and objectification of persons, the facts of looking at everything and everyone in terms of profit and gain! We know the facts, we see the facts, we hear the facts, but we act and live, as if we have not seen or known anything. Because that is what the world teaches... you be about your business.

The Word teaches us to look at persons as persons, plainly and distinctly, as persons with feelings and problems, as persons with needs and responsibilties, as persons with something to offer to us and also with the need to be sustained by us! Compassion, kindness, forgiveness and love - that is what the Word teaches us to offer to others. We know there is nothing that can make us people of God other than compassion; we know it is kindness and mercy alone that can make us children of God; we know that it is only forgiveness that can promote life; we know that without love I cannot call myself a Christian... but at times nothing of this knowledge makes any difference in our choices!

It is not enough to see, we need to percieve; it is not enough to hear the Word, we need to live it; it is not enough to know, we need to live by the Word. Are we ready?

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