Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Thinking God's ways!

WORD 2day: Thursday, 6th week in Ordinary time

February 17, 2022: James 2: 1-9; Mark 8: 27-33

God's people think in God's ways! It is not enough to call myself a child of God, I need to become one! To become a child of God, I need to grow to be like God in every way, which means my words are God's words, my acts are God's acts, and my thinking is God's ways of thinking! 

Thinking God's ways means thinking love... and love is not favouritism. If I, in the name of love, love only my own and discriminate the others, am I thinking God. Today, there are any number of reasons to discriminate, divide and dehumanise people! Racist thinking, though people say is of the past, there are tendencies today so obvious and so deliberate, where people discriminate on the basis of colour and origins. Casteist thinking in the Indian context for example, as evil as, sometimes much more inhuman than racism and other discriminations. The rich-poor divide, which is increasing enormously by the day, is equally inhuman and there seems to be no way out of it. And to add to all these, with the pandemic today, there is a new type of discrimination on the basis of those who have taken the vaccine and those not! How mean of all of us!

Thinking God's ways means, thinking love; love knows no discrimination, love knows no selfishness, love knows no injustice! Love is ready to suffer for the sake of the other, even when it knows very well that the goodness will not be recognised readily. But thinking God's ways means, thinking truth, thinking justice, thinking equality... it is thinking true love!

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