Wednesday, May 11, 2022

The Message and the messengers

WORD 2day: Thursday, 4th week in Easter time

May 12, 2022: Acts 13:13-25; Jn 13:16-20

St. Paul makes a long list of messengers running right upto John the Baptist, and in the Gospel, Jesus speaks of sending his own apostles as messengers. Sending messengers was not merely a need to perpetrate one's own progeny or contribution; it is not the kind of branding that is so often spoken of in the corporate world today. It is not like opening branches everywhere to establish one's monopoly! That is not what evangelisation is all about - trying to play the number games and by some way of the other increasing our strength.

The core of our faith, is the Message. It has been so, it is so and it will always be so! The message was announced through ages through prophets and persons of God (cf. Heb 1:1). At a point in history, the Message became the Messenger... that was the crucial phase of history when the Message, the Sender, the Messenger (or the Medium) all came together in one sacred and mysterious union - in the person of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word.

What was till then being considered a task of a select few among the people, with the coming of Christ, was handed over to the entire people of God and every child of God. We are God's messengers and that calls us  primarily to live the message, and in and through that, to announce the Message to the World.

How conscious am I of the Message? Do I really connect myself to the Message? Do I love the Message as much as to live that message! In what stage am I, towards becoming that Message?

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