Thursday, May 12, 2022

To be God's begotten

WORD 2day: Friday, 4th week in Easter time

May 13, 2022: Acts 13: 26-33; John 14: 1-6

Let not your hearts be disturbed! That, according to Jesus, was the sign of Faith, faith in God and faith in God's only Son. Though we know that Jesus is the Incarnate Son of God, the real glory of his existence is seen in the fact of Jesus' obedience to the Father. 

As St. Paul would point out in his letter to the Philippians (chapter 2), it was because of his total obedience that Jesus was given the name above every name, that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess his Lordship. Even God almighty declares, "You are my beloved Son, today I have begotten you!" It refers to the eternal choice of the Lord to hold us close to God's heart and a response in correspondence to that choice. 

Faith, Obedience of Faith... these could be considered high sounding words, but for us on a daily basis, it is in simple words: doing the will of God. It may sound more simple said than lived! How do we do God's will? It is simple yet again.

Doing the will of God is taking our duties to heart despite the discouragements, putting our heart and soul in the well being of those around us in spite of the possible ingratitude, putting the Lord first and at the center of all that we are involved in ... these are some concrete ways of doing the will of the Father. 

When we begin to live on a daily basis, in these terms, certainly we shall hear it said of us - "You are my beloved child, today I have begotten you!"

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