Monday, August 22, 2022

Being Scandal Proof!

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 21st week in Ordinary time

August 23, 2022: 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-3a, 14-17; Matthew 23: 23-30

Though it has reduced a lot now, there has been a time when some non-catholic brethren (or many of them) had been intent on maligning the Catholic Church, the Catholic faith and the Catholic community of faithful. They were used to posting videos or messages, all of an anti-catholic nature. They were prone to criticising everything 'Catholic,'  even to the extent of calling the then Holy Father, the Anti-Christ who is to come. Not that such a tribe has disappeared today, but they have mellowed down, may be because they have done enough damage that they intended to. It is possible at these kind of experiences, that we express our shock and disapproval. But dear friends, if only we are integral in our faith and life, all that we need to remember is: "a fruitful tree has to foresee stones coming its way!"

Oppositions, today more than ever, keep growing to unbelievable proportions against the faith and tradition that we have grown with. However, there are splendid ways of God that we come across in spite of all these oppositions. At same time there is no dearth of examples within the Catholic fold, examples that go against the true love, splendid purity and unfailing benevolence of God. What we are to do is, simply remain calm and composed at times when we are troubled. No use lamenting the absence of witnesses for the Lord, but becoming a witness myself in whichever way I can - that is what really matters. 

And whether we are a model or not, it is important and urgent today to observe, notice and identify the counter witnesses! And it is highly important and crucial today, to be scandal proof!

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