Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Persons incapable of deceit


August 24, 2022: Celebrating St. Bartholomew, the Apostle
Revelation 21: 9-14; John 1: 45-51

The twelve - Jesus' choice of the twelve was very conscious and reasonable. Be it any of the twelve, even regarding Judas Iscariot, Jesus had a special reason for their choice. He gives the reason for the choice of Bartholomew (said to be Nathaniel whom Philip introduced to Jesus): a man without guile or a man incapable of deceit. That is one splendid attribute of a disciple.

We are called to be people of God; disciples of Christ! Can we merit such an appreciation from Jesus, as he had for his apostles? Note the attribute that Jesus gives today - incapable of deceit... not only that one does not have deceit, but one becomes incapable of deceit. Incapable of deceit would not only mean the way we behave; but the way we are! 

There is another cue that we have from the colour that we use for the Apostles, liturgically: the Red that we use to indicate the specific role the apostles play within our faith, is a reminder to be ready to give up one's life! Being incapable of deceit would mean - as saints like Dominic Savio would say - death rather than sin. I am so incapable of deceit that I would even die, rather than go against Godliness. 

Let every apostle, including Bartholomew, inspire us to live a life that makes us worthy be called persons without guile, people incapable of deceit!

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