Thursday, May 11, 2023

GPS Enabled!

WORD 2day: Saturday, 5th week after Easter

May 13, 2023: Acts 16: 1-10; John 15: 18-21

Almost gone are those days when people bound for a place that they have never been to, find their destinations with the help of people on the road, bystanders, fellow passengers etc. With the ChatGPT and other forthcoming innovations, GPS has by now become a minimum technology available to people. With the smart phones in every hand, persons are today GPS Enabled: the Global Positioning System - which tells us in detail where we are, where we are upto and how we get there!

Today in the first reading we find the apostles - GPS enabled. They are instructed where to go and where not to go, where to be in any given time and where not to be. They had their GPS enabled. The GPS here is... God's Powerful Spirit. 

Jesus warned them wherever they go there will be people against them, because they are his disciples. But nothing to worry because they have the GPS enabled! Here the GPS is...God's Protecting Spirit. 

Come what may, with all the troubles and persecutions the disciples will go on and on! The early Christians we see in the Biblical account could not just be stopped from living and proclaiming their new found life in Christ, because they were GPS enabled. Here the GPS is... God's Propelling Spirit.

The invitation to us is, to be disciples of Christ in our daily life with all its struggles and temptations-disciples who are GPS Enabled!

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