Thursday, May 11, 2023

We, the Spirit and Love!

WORD 2day: Friday, 5th week after Easter

May 12, 2023: Acts 15: 22-31; John 15: 12-17

It is a fascinating point of view when we understand the formulation we see in the first reading today: the apostles when they communicate their decision after a crisis, they say, "it has seemed good to us and to the holy spirit..." The presence of the Spirit was experienced as someone who lived amidst them!

When the Holy Spirit takes hold of us, all that we do, all that we choose, all that we decide will be guided by love and love alone! The disciples, apostles and the entire early Christian community, were ready to give up their tradition, their heritage, their laws, all because they loved their new brothers and sisters in Christ. They did not want to over burden them. 

It was indeed keeping much in line with what Christ had taught. Jesus had in fact gone a step further and said: not just traditions and laws, but even your life, you should be ready to lay down! That is true love. If the Son of God has given up everything for the love that he has for us, why do we hesitate to give up anything... especially our ego, our selfishness, our vain glory, for the sake of love of our brothers and sisters!

We and the Holy Spirit, if we are in constant rapport, we will be filled with true love! If we are filled with true love, then we would make true disciples to Christ, the Son of God who is Love! We, the Holy Spirit and Love, we will make a wonderful "Christ"ian Community. Are we ready?

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