Wednesday, April 29, 2015
WORD 2day: Finally it is all about perseverance!
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
WORD 2day: Getting Orders!
Wednesday, IV week of Easter: 29th April, 2015
Monday, April 27, 2015
WORD 2day: Counting on the hand of God
Tuesday, IV week of Easter: 28th April, 2015
Sunday, April 26, 2015
WORD 2day: Who can hinder God?
Monday, IV week of Easter: 27th April, 2015
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Feast of St. Mark: 25th April, 2015
1 Pet 5: 5b-14; Mk 16: 15-20Once, a few years ago, I was trying to explain today's Gospel reading to one of the tiny tots in the family. After I had explained all that Jesus had said about picking up the serpent and drinking the deadly potion and fighting the demon... the boy just looked at me and asked : so all of us are Shaktimaan? (Shaktimaan was one of those superhuman cartoon characters those days in India). The readings today remind us of the superhuman call that we have all received!
Friday, April 24, 2015
WORD 2day : The Voice, the Bread and the Messenger
Friday, III week of Easter: 24 th April, 2015
Acts 9: 1-20; Jn 6 : 52-59
The Voice from heaven touched him; the man sent by heaven healed him; the bread from heaven strengthened him. What an example of the Word, the Sacraments and the Community of faith working together for God's Reign to be established!
Thursday, April 23, 2015
WORD 2day: God draws those who are drawn
Thursday, III Week of Easter: 23rd April, 2015
Acts 8: 26-40; Jn 6: 44-51
Phillip is mightily used by God, taken from place to place by the Spirit. It was because he allowed himself to be used; he submitted to the plans of God. The Court Official is chosen to belong to the Lord because he had a fundamental thirst for the knowledge of the matters of God.
Jesus declares that it is the Lord who draws one to himself. And the Lord draws those who are drawn to the Lord in their choices, in their priorities, in their daily decisions. It is ofcourse the Lord who initiates but it is upto us to readily and promptly acknowledge these initiatives and respond to them from the depths of our beings. The one who begins the good work in us will surely bring it to its completion (cf. Phil 1:6)in God's own time.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
WORD 2day: An experience that grips
Wednesday, III week of Easter: 22nd April, 2015
Acts 8: 1b-8; Jn 6: 35-40
When things were getting worse the believers were getting stronger. They were scattered, but once in diaspora they continued their witnessing. There was something in them that made them just reckless about their new experience. That experience was so gripping that it made them forget all the pain they had to go through.
We keep receiving news after news of people who are ready to give up their life at the hands of the heartless fanatics these days. They too are capable of it because they are gripped by the experience they have had of the Risen one.
Just yesterday read about a preacher who wishes to go to Syria, to be of assistance and consolation to the people who are being persecuted for their faith. What a radical decision - will it be possible without being gripped by a life changing experience? For me today Jesus has to become that experience, that experience which grips me to a total transformation that I will fear nothing, for I know my Lord will raise me up on the last day, come what may!
WORD 2day: A chip from the same block
Tuesday, III week of Easter: 21st April, 2015
Acts 7:51 -8:1a; Jn 6: 30-35.
Sometimes when I speak to the youngsters about the suffering that Jesus underwent, about his endurance of passion, his capacity to surrender into the hands of God, his capacity to forgive etc., they tend to retort saying: 'but he was son of God!" That is a heretic way of thinking, I used to threaten them.
Yes Jesus was the Son of God but he was a human person and fully so. He was not appearing to be a human being, he was a human being. As the letter to the Hebrews says, he was like us, a human being in everything! That is infact the most challenging part of our faith. That Jesus lived our life, he went through all that we experience ourselves: feelings and temptations, sufferings and anxieties, irritations and all of human realities. The challenge is that we live in his footsteps. The early Church was highly conscious of this call and we have today in the first reading the fruit of this.
Stephen was a chip from the same block as Christ. That is what we are called to be, a chip from that same block.
Monday, April 20, 2015
WORD 2day: Shining in the Lord
Monday, III week of Easter: 20th April, 2015
Acts 6:8-15; Jn 6: 22-29
His face shone like an angel. But they decided to kill him all the same! They saw the great works and words that Jesus had but they ran after him only for the food they could get. At times we kill the things that pertain to God not only by being against them but by even not being attentive to the true spirit of it.
It is easier to ward off dangers from the quarters that are known to be contrary to us. But the more dangerous ones are those that seem to take a neutral stand within us and amidst us, they can be real spirit dampeners and blind leaders.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Christ: the Fulfillment
III Sunday of Easter: 19th April, 2015
If Christ is the fulfillment, we are called to be fulfillments too. It is true that Christ is the fullness of Revelation, the climax of God's revelation and the entirety of all that is to be revealed about God. But that Revelation to the world is going on,in progress even today, continuously, in and through you and me. That is what God wished and Jesus initiated. that we become the continued fulfillments of God's salvific plan. Jesus made us living testimonies of the unfolding plan of God. We are not finished products and God's salvation plan is not a closed chapter. The salvation is wrought by the blood of Christ, but that salvation history is being written, chapter by chapter, a page a day!
Yes, our everyday is a page of our salvation history. Our choices, our lifestyle, our decisions, our assents and our negations - everything is part of the holisitic salvation history being written by God, in and through my life. The question is, how flexible am I in the hands of God; how faithful am I to the mind of God; how freely do I submit myself to the plan of God? The teachings of the Lord, that comes our way through the various elements of our faith life, like the commandments, the traditional expressions of faith, the need to find time and space for God in one's life, the obligation to express that importance of that time and space, through our thoughts, words and deeds of love towards our neighbours, the invitation to live our daily life with the perspective of eternity always before our eyes: that everything finds its fulfillment only in God... these are those elements which make our everyday a fulfillment of God's plan and project.
Christ, the fulfillment of all the promises so far, invites us to be the continued fulfillments of the salvation history that he brought to its perfection, on a daily basis by knowing, recognising and submitting to God and God's designs!
Friday, April 17, 2015
The stir in the sea: COMPLAINTS
Saturday in the II Week of Easter: 18th April, 2015
The test of time: ENDURANCE
Friday in the II Week of Easter : 17th April, 2015
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
The promptings of the Spirit: OBEDIENCE
Thursday in the II Week of Easter
We must obey God rather than men; we must obey God's directions rather than men's directives; we must obey the promptings of the Spirit rather than the rulings of men! What a clarity on the part of the disciples. If only we had today that same clarity!
Do not conform to the standards of the world; rather renewed in Spirit conform to the mind of Christ, instructed St. Paul well in this line (cf. Rom 12:2). At times we justify conformity and compromise on the grounds of peace in the house; other times we create division and sport rebellion under the pretext of being unique and convinced, while it could just be a way of promoting one's own convenience! Our own innermost self is our judge, and ofcourse the one who resides there: the Spirit of the Lord!
Obedience is not merely conformity to the rule; nor its opposite mere negligence of the rule. It is all about being sincere to the innermost promptings of the Spirit. Being understood when one follows that promptings, is not always guaranteed. Being misunderstood cannot prevent me from being sincere to those promptings. One who obeys will see life (cf. Jn 3:36).
The Spirit frees : TOWARDS LIGHT
Wednesday in the II Week of Easter
Acts 5: 17-26; Jn 3:16-21Monday, April 13, 2015
Tuesday in the II Week of Easter
To be shaken and to shake up!
Monday of the II week of Easter
Acts 4: 23-31; Jn 3: 1-8Sunday, April 12, 2015
MERCY: the mark of a Christian
12th April, 2015: Second Sunday of Easter
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Saturday within the Easter Octave: 11th April, 2015
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Friday within the Easter Octave: 10th April, 2015
Thursday within the Easter octave: 9th April, 2015
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Wednesday within the Easter Octave: 8th April, 2015
We are called to be Easter people, radiating joy, radiating warmth, radiating light! That does not mean we would have no problems or no struggles! They would infact abound. But that does not matter because we have within us a fire that is alive, burning and igniting every part of our selves - the fire of the Risen Lord. With that fire and with the burning hearts, we can face any situation and give new lease of life to all around us.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Tuesday within the Easter Octave: 7th April, 2015
Monday within the Easter Octave: 6th April, 2015
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Easter Sunday, 5th April, 2015
Easter is all about LIFE. Life belongs to God. God has given us life and has a specific plan for us in our life. We live our life, keeping in mind the purpose that the Lord has specified for it. When Jesus lived his life in perfect sync with the One who sent him, God raised him up from the dead! It is thus that the Lord directs our life and its purposes and brings them all to a glorious end.
Easter is all about NEW LIFE. It is said that the greatest of all proofs for the Resurrection of Christ, is the radical transformation that was found in the lives of the apostles. They were so transformed that they were looking like new persons, they had within them, a NEW LIFE.It is this new life that we are offered in this day as Christ rises to new life as the Saviour of Humankind.
Easter is all about LIFE TO THE FULL. I came that you may have life and have it in abundance! Life that Jesus brought us is a life to the full. In his rising he offers that life to each and everyone who claims it for oneself from the hands of the Risen Lord who stands blowing on us and greeting us: Shalom! Peace be with you! Easter challenges us towards this fullness of life, because everyday that we have is a gratuitous gift from God and our only responsiblity is to live it to the full, identifying and doing away with all that can take this life away from us.
Friday, April 3, 2015
Saturday of the Holy Week: 4th April, 2015
Thursday, April 2, 2015
GOOD FRIDAY: 3rd April, 2015
At no one's death we will rejoice; but Christ's death gives us a reason to rejoice forever and limitlessly because it brings to the fore the abundance of love that God has for us.
For God so loved the world that God gave God's only Son... a love that lays no conditions, has no expectations, never gets discouraged, never loses hope and never closes the wide open arms.
God's love calls me, chooses me and challenges me... to love as he loved (Jn 13:34)! We hear the words of love from the cross.
A love that forgives (Lk 23:34)
A love that embraces everyone despite unworthiness (Lk 23:43)
A love that cares for the beloved (Jn 19:26)
A love that endures extreme anguish for our sake (Mk 15:34)
A love that thirsts for my love (Jn 19:28)
A love that accomplishes every bit of what God wills (Jn 19:30)
A love that invites us to surrender ourselves into the Father's hands (Lk 23:46)