Monday, January 22, 2018


Bl. Laura Vicuña whom the Salesian family remembers today, was a young soul blessed with an extraordinary love for the Lord and a tremendous determination to live for the Lord. 

She was born on 5th April 1891 in Chile and before she could be 3 years, lost her father. She grew up with her mother and her younger sister Julia. She was still two months short of 13 when she gave her life, as a champion of purity and total dedication to the Lord. 

She not only lived up to the promise that she gave to the Lord, that she will always belong to Him and will always love Him with all her strength and all her might, with an angelic purity of her spirit, but went much beyond that promise. 

She was instrumental in the conversion of her mother - her mother, a young widow who was a bit swayed by the concerns of her two daughters, compromising on her means of earning their living. 

It was at the deathbed that Laura revealed that she had offered to the Lord her own life, as a sacrifice towards the conversion of her mother. And the mother was moved not just to tears, but to a wholly new life. 

On January 22nd 1904, as Laura succumbed to the injuries wreaked on her by the drunk and infuriated landlord, she was untouched by the viles of impurity. Like an angel she passed away to eternity, forgiving the one who caused her the injuries - the landlord Manuel Mora who had an illicit relationship with her mother and was angered at failing to lure Laura into the same sin. 

Laura gave herself up to the Lord, to do the Lord's will and attained an extraordinary level in sanctity already at that tender age! A product of the Salesian Sisters, her life was a splendid offering to God, but within the tradition of Don Bosco's spirituality,  this kind of sanctity is an ordinary sight.

And today, dear youngsters... her life remains a clarion call to take up the challenge of living a life pure unto the Lord!

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