Monday, January 22, 2018


23rd January, 2018

Let us look to the interests of others  


Isaiah 25:1-9             Let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation
Psalm 82                   Maintain the right of the lowly and the destitute
Philippians 2:1-4       Let each of you look not to your own interests, 
                               but to the interests of others
Luke 12:13-21          Be on your guard against all kinds of greed

Happening today: 

Changing international banking regulations continue to have a negative impact on the trade and commerce of the third world and threaten the economic survival of many families and communities. It has become increasingly difficult for third world people working abroad to send money back to their families. The Churches need to stand in solidarity with these suffering lot, looking that the prospects of migration and humanisation of peoples.


The witness of the Scriptures is consistent that God always makes a preferential option for the poor: the right hand of God acts for the powerless against the powerful. Similarly, Jesus consistently warns against the dangers of greed. Despite these warnings, however, the sin of greed often infects our Christian communities and introduces a logic of competition: one community competing against the next. We need to remember that insofar as we fail to differentiate ourselves from the world, but conform to its divisive competing spirit, we fail to offer ‘a refuge for the needy in distress, a shelter from the storm’.
For our different churches and confessions, to be rich in the sight of God is not a case of having many members belonging – or donating – to one’s own community. Rather, it is to recognise that as Christians we have countless brothers and sisters right across the world, united across the economic divisions of ‘North’ and ‘South’. Conscious of this fraternity in Christ, Christians can join hands in promoting economic justice for all.

Almighty God,
give courage and strength to your church
to continually proclaim justice and righteousness
in situations of domination and oppression.
As we celebrate our unity in Christ,
may your Holy Spirit help us
to look to the needs of others.

The right hand of God
is striking in our land,
striking out at envy, hate and greed;
our selfishness and lust,
our pride and deeds unjust,
are destroyed by the right hand of God.


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