Tuesday, January 16, 2018


THE WORD AND THE SAINT: 17th January, 2018

Wednesday, 2nd week in Ordinary Time - St. Anthony the Abbot
1 Sam 17: 32-33,37,40-51; Mk 3:1-6

If there is one thing that all religions and philosophies agree upon, it is this: that there is a constant conflict between the good and the evil in the world! We are part of the story whether we like it or not. From the eyes of faith, we can say, we are constantly posed with two options at any point of time: to choose something 'Godly" or to choose something 'ungodly'! 

Be it in our words, our actions or our attitudes... we become what we choose! If we choose our ego, our self-image, our selfish cravings, our prejudices or our selfish goals - we are lost forever. The giant sized philistine or the self righteous pharisees, this what they chose! Young David instead chose God: I come in the name of the Lord of hosts! 

Jesus chose God too, the loving God who cares for God's children. When St. Paul acclaims, 'I can do all things in Him who strengthens me!' (Phil 4:13), it was not pride but an outlook on life, an outlook that always chose whatever was Godly. "Finally beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable,...think about these things" say Paul (Phil 4:8). 

We celebrate St. Anthony the Abbot today, who inherited a huge property early in life, as his parents died, leaving him with his younger sister. But for Anthony what mattered was not the wealth, but the Word of the Lord. He sold everything and gave it to the poor and chose to become a hermit, living a life of austerity and holiness. A choice that was tremendous!

Only these choices can prove the claim, that 'God is our rock, our fortress, our stronghold, our deliverer, our shield in whom we take refuge'.

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