Monday, January 1, 2018


WORD 2day: 2nd January, 2018

1 Jn 2:22-28; Jn 1: 19-28

The identity of Jesus as both God and Human was a major node of controversies in the early Church. The first reading we have today is an indication to such feuds that existed. What matters, as John so rightly points out there, is not the philosophical and theological justification of who Jesus is,  but the personal experience of the person of Christ.

John the Baptist foretold the coming of Christ and pointed out when Christ really came. His prophetic gift have him the privilege of understanding Jesus and identifying Jesus when he came. Today we would do well to pray for this grace... To identify Jesus when he comes so that the encounter may enrich our life and bring meaning to it. 

In varied ways, in our neighbours, in our brothers and sisters, very specially in those who are in dire need and helplessness,  we are challenged to encounter Christ who is God, but deigned to assume our nature and live in the poor and the oppressed! 

How provident it is that Pope Francis has given a four point programme this year to care for the strangers, the migrants, the refugees, those who are at a loss in the lives. He calls us to Welcome them, Protect them, Promote their wellbeing and Integrate them into the mainstream life of the society! May Christ our Lord give us a love that sees beyond dichotomies and divisions towards an authentic celebration of difference!

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