Wednesday, February 14, 2018

RevivaLent 2018 - #2

Revive the Choice for Life

Thursday after Ash Wednesday: 15th February, 2018
Dt 30: 15-20;Lk 9: 22-25

The Word today invites us to choose life. Choosing life is to choose the author of life, instead of the spices of life. Those which add taste and colour to life are good but not essential to live. We would be highly mistaken if we give them the priority place in our life. Life is all about choices and choices are made at every instance in life... every word that I choose to say, every thought I entertain, every deed that I choose to do should manifest a will and a commitment to promote life, and life to the full for everyone!

Choosing life is a revival that we need to accentuate today! The world is confused in its choices - the ephemerals over essentials, the paraphernalia over the profound, and pleasing the world over placing oneself at the disposal of he almighty creator! The confusion does not stop with few or many individuals but diffuses itself as a culture and that is what Pope Benedict termed, 'the culture of death'. 

When we said yes at our baptism, or when our parents said that for us, and when we confirmed it at the Confirmation, we said yes to life! It is the Lord of Life who has called us and who continues to live with us and guide us! Let us not be deceived by external shows or outwardly opinions, whether we suffer or die, we are in safe hands as long as we choose the lord, as long as we choose Life!

Let this lenten journey inspire us to revive our choice for life!

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