Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Saints who surprise God

WORD 2day: 8th February, 2018

Thursday, 5th week in Ordinary Time
1 Kgs 11:4-13; Mk 7: 24-30

The most dangerous character of sin is, it takes over little by little that, all too soon we find it to be too late! Solomon who was a sign of God's glory in the early days of his kingship, soon finds himself in a point of no return, because he had given away his heart little by little to ways that took him away from God! 

In simple words sin can be understood as a rebellion against God... a lack of surrender into God's hands. The remedy is: a childlike surrender into the hands of God; following God unreservedly as did David (1Kgs 11:6); a faith that becomes a humble surrender to God's Will, like the Syrophoenician woman that we see in the Gospel. 

She becomes the prototype of the saints who surprised God... who surprised God by their total St.Paul, or the early martyrs, or the later saints like John Maria Vianney, or Maxmillian Kolbe, or great models like Blessed Oscar Romero, Blessed Sr. Rani Maria... the list goes on, and the challenge is that we add our names to that. 

Let our surrender to the Lord be so total, that in God's pleasant surprise miracles abound. Can we surprise God by our surrender?... that will be a wonderful sign of growing in holiness.

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