Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Maundy Thursday - Holy Week 2018

29th March - Way to be his BELOVED

We have some 3s to remember today...

     - Supper, Sacrifice and Service
     - Priesthood, Eucharist and Identity
     - Meal, Memory and Mandate

Supper that Jesus shared with the disciples as a sign of his love for them; the Sacrifice that was prefigured in the bread and the wine shared at table; and the Service for which Jesus gave his lived example!

Priesthood that Jesus personified and shared with his apostles; Eucharist that Jesus himself was, the symbol of self giving love; and the mark of Identity that Jesus offered - the love with which the world will identify us as Christ's disciples!

Meal, that shows the relationship that the disciples shared with Jesus; Memory, that Jesus wants to leave behind in his own body and blood; and the Mandate to love each other as Jesus loves us, with a love that is so unconditional, so unlimited and so selfless!

The last three that we can go home with today:
- thanksgiving in our hearts for all the bountiful gifts that the Lord keeps giving, specially through our priests; 
- determination in our will to remember the Lord in our daily struggles that call for sacrifices; and finally 
- a resolve in our minds to love everyone and keep no stock of the hurts and negative experiences we have received from others for no fault of ours.

The Lord loves us...the Meal is an expression of it!
The Lord wishes us to remain in his love... inspired by the Memory of his love!
The Lord commands us to love each other... it is a Mandate his love offers us!  

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