Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The Spy Wednesday - Holy Week 2018

March 28 - The Price of a FRIEND

'One of the Twelve'...not necessarily just one of the twelve as the Gospel begins today, but almost all of them were proving traitors in there own turn. They were anywhere between mere onlookers and involved game players, when it came to the climax of Jesus' ministry: the passion and death! It begins of course, with Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve! This day can be called the Spy Wednesday, as it was today that Judas agreed with the Jewish officials to betray Jesus.

Jesus outlook on the twelve never changes: I call you friends, he had said! They were his friends but friends who turned traitors each in their own respect but Jesus' continuous confidence in them as friends, brings them back and they were ready to give their life for Christ's message. They were ready to pay the price of being true friends. A true friend can never be lost!

But Judas failed on that count too - he did not give even the goodness of the Lord, the possibility of working on him! At times people say Judas just played a role that he had to! Let us not be carried away by that type of an interpretation, because Judas had the time and the freedom to choose otherwise. Jesus had given him ample chance to fall in line and think as Jesus would have it: in terms of God's will and not our own schemes!

I remember a quote from the famous writer Paulo Coelho: a mistake repeated more than once is a decision. Out of our deliberate choice, out of our habit or out of a psuedo-inability to decide otherwise, we make wrong choices sometimes and those choices are actually moments when we turn traitors!

As the letter to the Hebrews challenges us: are we ready to fight sin to the point of shedding our blood? (cf. Heb 12:4). Are we ready to pay the price to defend our title as FRIENDS of the Lord? Then, are we ready to belong to the Reign of God in every way, come what may, instead of taking the easiest way out!

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