Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Anthony of Padua - a Saint of True Grandeur!

Some interesting facts

  • Born: 15, August, 1195. He was actually born in Lisbon, Portugal. Though he should be called St. Anthony of Lisbon, due to the great prophetic ministry he carried out in the city of Padua in Italy, he is called St. Anthony of Padua to distinguish him from St. Anthony of Egypt, who belongs to the fourth century!
  • Died: 13, June, 1231. He was just 36 when he died. 
  • Saint: He was not even 37 when he was canonised - on 30, May, 1232 by Pope Gregory IX.
  • His Baptismal name was Ferdinand Martins de Bulhŏes. He took the name Anthony when he became a religious.
  • He was elected Provincial of his region of Franciscan friars, but he resigned very shortly  just to be able to carryout his preaching mission.
  • Patron of missing things and missing persons!
  • In Padua, where the Basilica stands today, he is also prayed to, by those who are looking for the right spouse to marry, or by those married couples who have problems in their marriage. 
  • The Basilica treasures the incorrupt tongue of the saint, as a relic venerated till today, as a testimony to his gift of breaking the Word.
  • He was a contemporary to St. Francis of Assisi and one of the best ones at that.
  • A survey reports that after the Blessed Mother and St.Joseph, St. Anthony may be the most loved saint in the Catholic World today.
  • Apart from Our Blessed Mother and St. Joseph, St. Anthony is the only other saint who is depicted with Child Jesus in his hands. The reasons are varied: one, because there was a legend that the Infant Jesus appeared to him during his prayer and meditation; another because in the 17th century a franciscan friar had a vision as such. The best of all reasons however is...
  • He was so close to the Word of God, that the Word made flesh, the Son of God who was born into this world came to be with him, to be carried by him as he did all his life. 
  • We too can hold the person of Jesus Christ in our hands, if we hold the Word close to our hearts. St. Anthony ...Pray for Us.

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