Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Pot and the Store room

Thursday, 17th week in Ordinary time

August 2, 2018: Jer 18: 1-6 ; Mt 13: 47-53

Being a pot in the hands of the potter gives me the hope that I will never go waste. The potter knows me and knows the world that is around. He will make certain that I am relevant and useful in the right time.

God knows me through and through, as the Potter his stuff and his skill. God will make certain that I am relevant and needed in God's own time. There could be moments the shape would degenerate or a single air pocket would put the entire process at stake. But all that I need to ensure is, regardless of all these developments, remain in the hands of the Master Potter! 

God is ever in the process of designing me and certainly at an appointed time God will use me as God's store room of treasures for others!  Saints are such instances! They are those who totally surrendered, limitlessly obeyed and thoughtlessly carried out God's wishes. And so they began to store within themselves great treasures, from which even today, god continues to serve us God's children. 

If I allow myself to be under God's absolute sway, first the good and bad within me will be sorted out. It is not merely a process of judgement, framing me to be good or bad, but a moment of shaping where the edges are roughed and corners are trimmed. I shall soon be shaped and the second process begins, where from within me blessings, both new and old, emanate spreading the glory of God!

All that we need to do is today, decide to place ourselves completely in the hands of God so that we could be in time, simple pots, weak and humble but holding the best of gifts as store rooms of the grace of God.

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