Monday, October 8, 2018

Listen and Give Glory!

Tuesday, 27th week in Ordinary time

October 9, 2018: Gal 1: 13-24; Lk 10: 38-42

The Readings today insist on our need to listen to God. The credit that has to be given to Saul, in his turning into Paul is fundamentally his readiness to listen to God. If he were as stubborn as he always were, he would not have heard the Lord's voice from his horse! He himself reiterates his capacity to listen to God, by narrating his initial journey in the Lord, preparing himself to be an apostle: that was to the major part, an attentive listening to the Lord and to all that the Lord wanted to reveal.  

Mary at Bethany, is yet another icon of listening to God. She knew where the life giving source was: "to whom shall we go Lord, while you have the words of eternal life" were the words of Peter to the Word made flesh. Today we are called to discover the life giving Spirit in the Word that comes across to us on a daily basis. 

Our Blessed mother is the epitome of silent listening, for she kept everything in her heart and pondered, says the Gospel. We are in the month of the holy rosary and we missed celebrating our Our Lady of Rosary, the Sunday that passed! The practice of the Holy Rosary, is a wonderful lesson that Mary teaches us, to listen to God. Yes in praying the rosary, we listen to God speaking, God speaking in and through the sacred mysteries that are contemplated. From annunciation to coronation, true that we cannot find proofs from the Bible for every one of them, but in silent contemplation, we will come to realise the Divine Plan of salvation unfolding slowly but steadily.

Even in our lives, there is this profound plan of God that is gradually unfolding... If only we listen we shall become aware of it, and give glory to God for it!

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