Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Gift of Christ: Peace

Celebrating the Apostle of Peace, St. Francis of Assisi

October 4, 2018: Job 19: 21-27; Lk 10: 1-12

Francis of Assisi is considered a man who managed the maximum resemblance to Christ in his life, not so much due to the marks of the stigmata that he received from the Lord, but more due to the gift of Christ that he offered the world all his life - that is Peace. When you enter a house, greet them: Peace be with you, instructs Jesus in the Gospel today. 

Especially today, with the rising fanaticism around the world, we are called to be truly instruments of peace that comes from the self emptying Christ. Don't think I am referring only to the fanatic terrorists who are threatening the peace of the world, those who are threatening to destroy the Church from outside but more to the fanatics in the garb of Christians, people who are insisting on rules and rubrics, legalities and orthodoxy, the ego and hierarchy, to such an extent that mercy and understanding, dialogue and compassion find no place within the practice of faith and religion. People are thrown into confusion and frustration more by these than by those from outside!  

Francis came at a time when the  Church was wounded due to various spiritual calamities within the Church in the 10th and the 11th century and he treated those wounds with the compassion of the Lord, the humility of the Son of God and the peace of the Prince of Peace. He showed us that the marks of Christ that all of us can bear in our life, are exactly these: to be instruments of peace, through love, pardon, faith, hope, light, joy, consolation and new life. Today, as Pope Francis says, the Church is somewhat in a similar situation beaten and bruised from within and from without, however the accuser, the avenger is ruthlessly rampant against the Church.

May St. Francis assist us to understand the difference between true holiness and self righteousness, the distance between love and legalism and the need to move from being Christians to becoming Christ ourselves! Let us be true instruments of Peace, the true gift of Christ.

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