Tuesday, May 31, 2016


God in the midst of us

Feast of Visitation : 31st May, 2016
Zeph 3: 14-18a; Lk 1: 39-56

We celebrate the feast of the Visitation of our Blessed Mother to Elizabeth. When Mary entered Elizabeth's household, there was a sense of God that was felt, for two reasons. The first, Mary was carrying Jesus within her and the effect was felt! The second, Mary herself was transformed into the presence of God for Elizabeth! 

The first reading today turns our attention to the words of Zephaniah explaining what the Lord in our midst is doing: God exults, God renews and God dances! God exults in the wonderful gifts that we are to Godself. God renews those parts of us that are not as good as they can be! God dances with joy over everything that we are able to do in God's eternal plan. Anyone who expresses this exultation of the Lord, this call for renewal and the rejoicing of the Lord in God's children, is a reminder of the presence of God.

Infact when Elizabeth says, 'what have I done to deserve that the Mother of my Lord should visit me!', she becomes the reminder of the presence of God to Mary! When Mary turns to Elizabeth and says, 'My heart exults in the Lord and my soul rejoices in the Lord my saviour', she becomes the reminder of the Lord's presence to Elizabeth and to the entire household!

We are called to be reminders of the presence of God, to be the presences of God to those around us. When we exult in the Lord, when we do our part to renew those around us, correcting them with care and love, when we rejoice in the goodness of others and the good things that happen to them, we become God's presence amidst God's people!

Can we be today, God's presences wherever we are!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Life-giving Life

Solemnity of Corpus Christi - 29th May, 2016

Gen 14:18-20; 1 Cor 11: 23-26; Lk 9: 11-17
We celebrate today the Life-giving Life, the Life that came down to give us life, by giving one's own life! Corpus Christi reminds us of the great miracle of Orvieto. Jesus is the life giving Lord, the Lord who gives up one's own life 

Bread and Wine are  ancient symbols that were already present in the Jewish tradition and Lord Jesus uses that symbol in a manner totally amazing. Bread and wine stood for two important messages. One, it was the regular food of those days. Secondly, it represents the two major realities of life: bread that stands for the everyday experience and wine that reminds us of the special moments we shared.

Body and Blood, the two essentials of a being- that is what Jesus became for us. Jesus is the life, the life-giver and the fullness of Life. 

The life giving Lord chooses to give life in this world and prepare us for the eternal life. The Eucharist is a concrete manner in which the Lord is open to the multitude of persons and specially persons who have never experienced the things that we just spoke about. 

WORD 2day: 28th May, 2016

The True Foundations

Saturday,  8th week in Ordinary Time
Jude 1: 17, 20-25; Mk 11: 27-33

Jude presents to us the right foundations for true Christian living. The Holy Spirit, grace and faith sustain a person's resolve to live as an individual pleasing in the eyes of the Lord.

They are true foundations also because they help one to stand firm in front of opposition and criticism. Even if powers and dominions pressurise one to give up,  the true foundations help one to stand his or her ground and stick to one's convictions.

Absence of such foundation will make one lose heart and compromise at the face of slightest resistance or difficulties.

What are my foundations?

Thursday, May 26, 2016

WORD 2day: 26th May, 2016

Seeing and Being Seen

Thursday, 8th week in Ordinary time
1 Pet 2: 2-5,9-12; Mk 10: 28-31

One cannot live a Christian in isolation...that is the crux of the message today! Because being a Christian involves a lot of seeing and being seen. I need to see myself and understand who I really am. I need to see things around and hear the helpless cries of people readily. I need to see who I am surrounded with and why I am wherever I am. I need to see what really matters in a given situation - maintaining the decorum or causing a disorder towards greater sense of life and love?

It involves being seen a lot too! Being seen as different, as honourable, as trust worthy, as reliable, as outgoing, as sensitive, as dedicated, as capable of true compassion, as persons with a definitive but a different set of priorities, as people who make a difference for the rest of the world around them.

Let us learn to see, and be prepared and worthy of being seen, as the One who called us does! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

WORD 2day: 25th May, 2016

Check your Seed!

Wednesday, 8th week in Ordinary Time
1 Peter 1: 18-25; Mk 10: 32-45

A tree is known from its fruits, the Word reminds us! The Word today speaks of a similar reality. It presents to us two crops of people: one an old crop and the other a new crop, a newly born community of persons, born anew in the blood of Christ. The seed of the latter crop is the very blood of Christ!  The Question is: which crop do you belong?

Jesus presents to us both the contrasting mentalities, the popular mentality of dominance and control and the Jesus mentality of service and collaboration. One will not fit in the other for they two are contrasting mentalities and the Lord wants us to make a choice and make it known! 

Jesus is preparing his disciples today in the Gospel, to be a crop of the latter kind. Of course, he finds it tough but he does not mind it and he will never compromise on it. The same he expects from us - we better check our seed!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Mary, Mother and Miracles

Feast of Mary Help of Christians
Rev 12: 1-3, 7-12,7; Gal 4: 4-7; Jn 2: 1-11

The episode of Cana is an event par excellence of a mother so sensitive and concerned. She intercedes with her Son and instructs the people as to how to relate to Him. That is exactly the role she plays even today. Let us learn from our Mother the art of living close to the Son! 

Happy Feast of Mary Help of Christians. 

Monday, May 23, 2016

WORD 2day: 23rd May, 2016

The Fire Testing

Monday, 8th week in Ordinary Time
1 Pet 1: 3-9; Mk 10: 17-27

We need to prove our mettle, to say literally, we need to prove our metal! We need to prove that we are gold, when it comes to our dedication to the Lord. The days are such that compromises are not only permitted, they are the order of the day. One has to become an expert in compromising one's values, without making major breakages. But with Lord this can never be true! Even a minor compromise is a major breakage. That is why we are to be tested in fire, the fire of daily struggles and unceasing temptations. We need to be careful because without our knowledge we would have slid into a situation of compromise. Let us be vigilant, for the devil is prowling round like a roaring lion!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

The ABC of Holy Trinity

Solemnity of the Holy Trinity: 22nd May, 2016
Pro 8: 22-31; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16: 12-15

We celebrate the feast of the Trinity today! The Solemnity reminds us of, not only who our God is, but also who we are! 

We ARE a communion! Just as our God is a communion of three persons - Father, Son and the Spirit, we who are created in that image and likeness, are a communion too. We are neither body living in the spirit, nor a spirit residing in the body... we are a being created in such a communion of our natures that we are one, just as the three persons of the trinity are one. It is high time we undid the contrasts between the body and the soul and the mind! We are communion, we ARE Trinity.

We BELIEVE in communion, not in contestation. The three persons of the Trinity live in communion with each other and there is an eternal self giving that takes place among them, by which they stay as ONE. We believe in communion, dialogue, sharing, sacrifice and selfless service. Only that would make us One people of God.

We CLING to the Trinity, because in the Trinitarian God we have everything we stand in need of. The Father gives us love and mercy in abundance. The Son gives us the light and truth to live by. The Spirit gives us companionship and good counsel.  All that we need to live our life to the full is given by the Trinitarian God. 

As we celebrate this wonderful solemnity, let us take to heart the call and the challenge given to us by the Holy Trinity... to be, to believe and to cling on to the Most Holy Trinity.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

WORD 2day: 21st May, 2016

Reign of God is a Child's Play

Saturday, 7th week in OrdinaryTime
James 5:13-20; Mark 10:13-16

When we call something a child's play, we intend to say it is an easy task, a no taxing job, an uncomplicated project! Today Jesus calls the Reign of God a child's play...but meaning to say how difficult it is for the grown ups to reach! 

The qualities that are underlined here by the first reading and the Gospel are: innocence of heart, unsophisticated dependence on God and non judgmental relationships! These are the very things we lose as we grow up. Remaining a child in these will make us part of the Reign of God...that is why it is a child's play, not a grown up's game! 

Can we grow up to be childlike?

Thursday, May 19, 2016

WORD 2day: 19th May, 2016

On a Slippery Ground

Thursday, 7th week in Ordinary Time
Jam 5: 1-6; Mk 9: 41-50

Where your treasures are, there your heart will be, Jesus warned us well. The Word today insists that our treasures cannot be in our money bags or safety lockers! Wealth, of course is a blessing, the same can become a curse too, if it is not kept in its place! 

At times, unfortunately not merely at times but very often today, we see that persons with money are able to get what they want without much ado! Even the judicial system lets them roam free despite their wrongdoings, merely because they have the money-power! Persons think they have everything when they have the money...but for how long? Is that money going to take us all the way? By the time we realise we have over-depended on the wealth that we possess, we would be in a position already when we would not be able to undo our past mistakes! It is high time we understand that, placing our entire confidence on the wealth would make us tread on a slippery ground. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

WORD 2day: 18th May, 2016

Poor in spirit depend on God

Wednesday, 7th week in Ordinary Time
Jam 4: 13-17; Mk 9: 38-40

Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Mt 5:3). How do we understand the expression 'poor in spirit'? The Word today has a simple description: they depend on God. Two traits that are enlisted as opposition or rebellion to God are Pride and Jealousy! Pride claims illegitimate credits for things; Jealousy detests anyone being better in comparison to me.

James hits out against pride, which claims that we are in control of our entire life! I know of a person who has written down what he would be doing the next 25 years in succession! One thing is to have a plan, while it is totally another matter to be too sure about taking control of everything! 

Jesus speaks of jealousy in subtle manner, without hurting the sentiments of his own apostles. He instructs them about not monopolising the role of being God's instruments! Anyone could be used by God, just as you could be! When you are used by God for God's purposes, rejoice and be glad. When someone else is used by God, give praise to God all the same! This comes from two important qualities we need to develop: stop comparing and place God at the centre, not yourself!

When we work out of these two temptations: of pride and jealousy, we would be well on our way to sanctity...for that is a sign that we depend on God, that we are poor in spirit, and the kingdom of heaven belongs to us!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

WORD 2day: 17th May, 2016

The Battle Within

Tuesday, 7th week in Ordinary Time
Jam 4: 1-10; Mk 9: 30-37

The discussion continues on yesterday's theme: the battle within. Both James and Jesus through the Word today, speak to us of the important battle that is waging within us, which determines much of the battles around us. The self seeking, self centered and self focused egoism, twists and twirls all our priorities and thus wrongly motivates our choices. 

The worst of the conditions that we find today is the way the society prioritises. What is wrong if one thinks of one's own self fulfillment? The justification in terms of god-given capabilities and bringing them to their perfection is another rationalisation of this ego feeding. The Self or the Ego is being enshrined at the centre of human life as the most sacred thing that has to be preserved, promoted and pleased! Is this not idolatry? Some are so worried about use of images and icons as being idolatrous, while they make of themselves saviours, mouth pieces of God, indispensable dispensers of the god-element, the doorways to god and so on...

The question is clear today: have you compromised on the place given to God in your life? Is God the first priority in your life? Is God, God's plan and God's will the most important criterion in all the choices you make? If it is so, then you are on a winning streak in the battle within... Kudos! March on! 

Monday, May 16, 2016

WORD 2day: 16th May, 2016

Witness, come what may

Monday,7th week in Ordinary Time
Jam 3: 13-18; Mk 9: 14-29

Just the day after we have reflected upon the Holy Spirit and the fruits of the presence of the Holy Spirit within us, James speaks to us of these signs that we need to manifest to the world around us. Those who see us should see the Spirit present within us. We are called to be witness to the Lord, not merely through the spoken word and declared messages but through life and signs we give on a daily basis.

The qualities that militate against the Spirit present with us, the qualities of jealousy, pride, ambitiousness, deceitfulness and divisiveness should be driven away with prayer and fasting. Only then will out life bear witness to the Spirit of the Risen Lord. It is not as difficult as this, to fight external forces of opposition! The qualities, tendencies and priorities within us which are not proper to the Reign we are all dreaming of, are the primary forces that have to be fought against. I may resolve to be a witness inspite of those who align against me, but if I don't decide to fight these tendencies within me, I tragically fail to witness to the Spirit living within me. Can I really resolve to witness, come what may!

Sunday, May 15, 2016


The Solemnity of Pentecost - 15th May 2016

Acts 2: 1-11; 1 Cor 12: 3a-7, 12-13; John 20: 19-23

Being people of the Spirit is growing up to be Courageous: Models: Apostles
The apostles were gathered in the room in fright and frustration but they were made fearlessly courageous by the Spirit of the Lord. They faced crowds, authorities and the whole world with a heart that would not give way to any anxiety or doubt

Being people of the Spirit is growing up to be Compassionate: Models: Early Christians
The Early Christians were one in mind and heart, they were sensitive to each other, they were filled with compassion, they were united in love! They were people of the Spirit, united in the Lord into one body, one body in the Lord! Despite all their differences they were one because of the action of the Spirit.

Being people of the Spirit is growing up to be Christ-like: Models: Disciples
The disciples together were called to grow to be like Christ. To grow to be like Christ is to grow in the image of the Lord given by the Spirit. To be disciples of Christ is to grow in the likeness of Christ, to be think like Christ, to speak like Christ, to act like Christ and to decide like Christ in every thing. Those who are in the Christ are a new creation! Those who are in the Spirit are true children of God, empowered to call God, Abba Father!

Saturday, May 14, 2016


He remained and was rewarded

Remembering St. Mathias the Apostle: 14th May 2016
Acts 1: 15-17, 20-26; Jn 15: 9-17

The place of apostle Judas was empty and they consulted the Lord as to who should fill that place! They were inspired to have the criterion that Jesus himself proposed: it has to be one who has remained! Remain in me, said Jesus. And they looked for someone who has remained with them from the beginning to the end. Mathias (for that matter even Justus and so many others) had never aspired for anything. They could have had no clue about it. But they remained with Jesus and after Jesus had gone, with the rest of the band of followers.

Mathias looked up to nothing except that of being with Christ and he was rewarded for it with a responsibility. He never chose or claimed or aspired to be an apostle, he was chosen to be, because he remained in His love.

This is what the Lord invites us to: to remain in his love and to love each other with the same love as a sign of our discipleship. Surely the Lord will choose to use us as His apostles. 

Friday, May 13, 2016


All for the love of HIM

Friday after the Ascension Sunday
Acts 25: 13-21; Jn 21:15-19

Today we have a list of things to remember, but let us do it in the light of the Word. In Jerusalem, Paul underwent troubles to the extent of being killed. Now he is getting ready to go to Rome... all because he wants to go all the way in bearing witness to the love that he has for the Lord. 

If you love me show it in your life says the Lord to Peter, in your life lived for others, in your life lived for the Word, in your life lived totally for the love of HIM. It is easy to brush this aside as a spiritualistic statement; but if we take it seriously, everyday is an opportunity to bear witness to the love I have for the Lord, everyday can become an experience of growth in my relationship with the Lord!

Today is the Feast of St. Mary Mazzarello, a saintly young girl who turned into a mature and seasoned leader by her mere dedication to grow in this love of the Lord. Everything you do, do it for the love of God, she would say! Her yearning for sanctity, the right persons she met in her life (Fr. Pestarino and Don Bosco), and the extraordinary love that she had for the Lord took her all the way to her sanctity.

Another capsule of memory reminds us of Our Lady of Fatima...a great revelation of the Mother of God inspired again by the love that she has for her Son and for the children she has begotten because of her Son! The Fatima phenomenon has been a great mysterious show of God's love in the past century and it continues to be so! May our blessed mother continue to guide and encourage us.

Yet another event we cannot miss from our mind today is the 35th year of the Assasination Attempt on Pope Saint John Paul II. Ali Agca, who shot at the Saintly Pontiff was chosen specially to accomplish that task and naturally he was a sharp shooter. But when he missed that aim, he was intrigued and when Pope John Paul II went to meet him in the prison after his surgery and recuperation, the first question Agca asked was: "how come I missed that aim!" And the smiling Pope retorted: "You chose the right gun and the right spot but you chose the wrong day!" 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

WORD 2day: 11th May, 2016

Praying Together

Wednesday after Ascension Sunday
Acts 20:28-38; John 17:11-19

One essential characteristic of people of God is the quality of praying together! Jesus and Paul lead the people of God into prayer. Prayer is fixing God at the centre of our lives - both personal and collective. Both Paul and Jesus seem to suggest to us yet another important fact about common prayer: when every individual places God at an unquestionably central place in his or her life, the entire community would have God at the centre of its existence. Whereas the other way around is not so warranted. Merely because I belong to a community or a family or an organisation that has God at the centre, I cannot take for granted that God is at the centre of my life too! Does that set us thinking...

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

WORD 2day : 10th May, 2016

What would you do?

Tuesday after Ascension Sunday 
Acts 20:17-27; John 17:1-11

Right from the second year of my priesthood, I have been spending my paschs with youngsters. On the Holy Saturday, we have a meditation on death and the central theme would be: if this were your last day here on earth, would you be able to say like Jesus,  "it's accomplished"?

I remember this old zen story said of the Master to whom the disciples asked, 'Master if you were to know that this is your final moment what would you do? ' The Master without taking his eyes off his tea cup,  said,  'I would continue drinking tea'!

Both Paul and Jesus are seen bidding farewell to their loved ones in the Word today. There is a sense of satisfaction and a feeling of having accomplished the task entrusted to them!  To live my everyday life conscious of the fact that I am commissioned,  that I dont have all the time that is available,  and that I have to play my part right... that will give me a sense of vocation and a feeling of satisfaction. Think of it: what would you do to arrive at this?

Monday, May 9, 2016

WORD 2day :9th May, 3016

Knowing the Spirit

Monday after Ascension Sunday
Acts 19: 1-8; Jn 16: 29-33

I have conquered the world, says the Lord and why are we still going desperate about managing it? Because we are not yet convinced that the Lord has conquered the world. The Divine Counselor is right within us and why are we still looking all over for directions and suggestions?  Because we do not have sufficient knowledge of the Spirit. 

Today is already the 3rd day of the Novena in preparation for the feast of Pentecost.  The invitation is that we become more aware of the indwelling presence of the Lord in our lives. The Lord rests with us and the Lord is acting on or behalf. Why not we make room to behold it in our day to day experience? 

The Spirit of the Lord is all around us and once we behold the presence and be filled with that presence, we would be able to understand that our Lord and Saviour has conqured the world! Knowing the Spirit is the task given to us today, getting to know the Spirit that we may not react as the people did to Paul: we do not know that there is something called the Holy Spirit. At times our fears and thoughtlessness can exhibit such responses unconsciously.

Saturday, May 7, 2016


The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord: 8th May 2016

Acts 1: 1-11; Eph 1: 17-23; Lk 24: 46-53

The Lord ascends today to his Father and our Father! It is not an abandoning, as he himself very rightly had already assured us. It is an invitation! The invitation is to Go Up with the Lord. And this invitation to go up is given in 7 steps... let's call it 7-UP!

As the Lord goes up, let us reflect on the 7-UP
In the first reading we are presented with the THE EVENT
Christ ascends to the right hand of the Father!
                Christ, GAVE UP the divinity and became like one of us (Phil 2)
                He GOES UP today, by his obedience and fulfillment of the Divine Will (Heb 10:7) 
                He will SHOW UP leading everything to its fulfillment (Heb 10:36)
The second reading highlights THE EFFECT
Because of the Son who was raised by God to God's right hand, you and I are made worthy to accede to the presence of God!
                We are RAISED UP by the fact that Christ became like us (2Cor 8:9)
                We are DRESSED UP by the virtue of our baptism, (Col 2:12)and
                We are BUILT UP into the family of God (1 Cor 10:17).
The Gospel from Luke reminds us of what Jesus passed on to us, THE EDICT
You are and you shall be my Witnesses on the Earth!
                We are challenged to STAND UP for the Lord in the World today!!!

WORD 2day: 7th May, 2016

The Name: Jesus, the Christ

Saturday before Ascension Sunday
Acts 18: 23-28; Jn 16:23-28

Jesus was the name and Christ was a faith experience! Jesus, the Christ is no syntax error! Today we encounter Apollos, another contemporary preacher with Paul. It looks like there were some little misgivings in the Acts of the Apostles between the followers of Paul and followers of Apollos. But Paul makes no notice of such bickerings. Another great lesson we have is Priscilla and Aquilla instructing Apollos in the right doctrines! The role of the laity in the formation of the apostolic ministers comes out strongly...all of this to make people understand, Jesus was the Christ!

Jesus in the Gospel seems to harp on the same point too: anything you ask the Father in my name, my Father shall give you. He seems to say, because I am the Christ. As Acts so clearly says in another place (4:12) that there is no other name given in all the earth by which one could be saved! It is Jesus, because Jesus is the Christ, Jesus is the one anointed and set apart for our salvation! That should not make us haughty as if we have the monopoly over that name, but it should make us humble in questioning our daily lives and priorities. Are we living worthy of that name? It is not an opportunity to judge the "others" but it is gratitude that should fill our hearts for the privilege given. 

Ask a question, Is Jesus my Christ? 
If you very easily said 'yes', ask that question again looking closely at your values and attitudes of daily life: Is Jesus really my Christ?

Friday, May 6, 2016

WORD 2day: 6th May, 2016

The Birth Pang Spirituality

Friday before Ascension Sunday
Acts 18: 9-1; Jn 16: 20-23

Going through the Word today, a few thoughts came flooding my mind: the mind blowing facts people say about the level of labour pain which many mothers akin to a near-death experience, the recent painful experience of one of my friends losing his prematurely born baby after all the herculean efforts proved failure, the sorry state of the numerous childless couples...everything is related to the imagery that the Lord is sharing today!

Along with these thoughts, two other occasions of the day added a peculiar perspective to my reflection: the Feast of Dominic Savio, the young saint; and the First Day of the Novena to the Feast of Pentecost! 

Linking all these three lines of thought, I saw my mind converge on one reflection: the Birth Pang Spirituality. 

What does it consist of:
1.Expecting a transformation in Life, a spectacular and paradigmatic transformation
2.Knowing well that the expected transformation is not going to come so easily or automatically; it has to be, to a great extent, my effort ofcourse with the external (Divine) assistance.
3.Accepting wholeheartedly the enormous pain that would be involved and knowing well any effort to cut down the pain will not result in the total transformation.
4.Awaiting restlessly the signs of the beginning of the transformation, in spite of realising the pain that is involved. 
5.Going through with heroism the entire painful phase of processing that transformation.
6. Rejoicing in the outcome and being a cause for others to rejoice too!

The restlessness of Dominic Savio to grow into a saint and the eagerness of the early Church to receive the Holy Spirit...don't these fall into this category of spirituality?

Thursday, May 5, 2016

WORD 2day: 5th May, 2016

Your Sorrow will turn into joy

Thursday, 6th week in Eastertide
 Acts 18: 1-18; Jn 16: 16-20

Your Sorrow will turn into joy, the Lord promises! At times it seems a lofty promise and many look at it suspiciously. That is not because the Lord is wrong today, but our understanding of true joy is not right at times!

Ever heard of the anecdote about this monk who went into contemplation and came out "enlightened"? Since everyone considered him "enlightened", a man approached him with a question...what difference do you find between the world as it was when you went into contemplation a decade ago and that of today? He said, "when I went in the land was down and the sky was up there, there was summer and winter, and there was day and night." "And Now?", the questioner asked with curiosity rising! "Now the land is down and the sky is up there, there is summer and there is winter and there is night and there is day!"

Are you wondering that the story is incomplete if I end it there? No! The fact is, even if things remain the same, the way enlightened persons see them is completely different from the way others see it! Your sorrow will turn to joy, not only because everything around you will turn upside down, but because you will find yourself different, your priorities different, your concerns different. That will make all the difference! When they rejected Paul outright, he couldn't care less! He was just the same and walked off cool, because for him that rejection mattered nothing!

For him sorrows had turned into joy, everything was joyful for in everything he sought the Lord!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

WORD 2day: 4th May, 2016

The Spiritual Capacity to accept Truths...

Wednesday, 6th week in Eastertide
Acts 17:15, 22 - 18:1; Jn 16: 12-15

There are ways in which a person responds to a data that is beyond one's perception or beyond ordinary explanations. The first way is to outrightly reject it and the second is to ridicule it just because one cannot understand it. These two  display an arrogance that is not even humane, leave alone spiritual. One could begin to enquire about it and make a scientific effort to understand it, that would be human. The Greeks in Areopagus laugh at Paul and some consider him 'confused'!

A Spiritual disposition in approaching new experience would enable a person to perceive the truth in what is said, understand its true meaning and find relevance for one's life. This mind will not reject something merely because it seems new or it has not been so till then. The one who empowers a person towards such a disposition is the Spirit of truth says Jesus in the Gospel today. 

Openness, respect and a sense of wonder are prerequisites for one to have real Spiritual Experiences!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Celebrating Apostles Philip and James

3rd May, 2016
1 Cor 15:1-8; John 14:6-14

The Word today calls our attention to the mention of the names of the Apostles whom we celebrate today: James and Philip. The James we speak of here is not James the son of Zebedee , the one who was among the closest three namely, Peter, James and John! But this is James the son of Alphaeus, who is referred to for the sake of differentiating, as James the lesser! Though that term is odd, it brings out the fact that he was among the less prominent bunch of the Apostles but however he was one of the 12 pillars and Jesus appeared to him! Philip is seen in the Gospel today inducing Jesus to make some intense pronouncements about himself and the Father! Philip is also seen in two other places - at the scene of multiplication of the bread and the later when some Greeks wish to see Jesus.

The Feast can communicate three realities that can help our faith communities today. 
1: That differences are natural when a group of persons are involved. The differences are not only inevitable but they are beautiful to paint a holistic picture.
2: That differences do not mean division, or comparison or envy. That Philip and James and some others were not so prominent, never caused a rift among the apostles. They were able to live united in the Lord.
3. Each one has a specific call within the entire design of God and when one fails to play his role, however little and insignificant it could be, there is a lack in the whole!

The message is clear: avoid comparisons; avoid envy; realise the one call and remain united in the Lord!

Monday, May 2, 2016

WORD 2day: 2nd May, 2016

The Mutual Delight: The Lord and His People

Monday, 6th week in Eastertide
Acts 16: 11-15; Jn 15:26 - 16:4

The Christian faith had already taken root in that short time and it is beginning to take wings as we see! Spreading far and wide, the faith in Christ was not merely an intellectual assent to some truths the apostles were sharing, but it was a dedication of their concrete lives. We have two different examples of that in the Word today.

The first is that of Lydia, who finds her new found faith impelling her to sustain the proclaimers of the Word. She would take no refusal, about she hosting the apostles in her home, says the first reading. She was delighted in the Lord! The second is the Apostles, who were moving from one place to another without any lag or slackening. Because they were so delighted in the new apostolate entrusted to them. Looking at these sorts of His children, the Lord was taking delight in his people says the responsorial psalm today!

This is what Christian faith is all about: the delight that the Lord has in each of us and the delight we manifest in having the Lord as our God! That Mutual Delight, of the Lord and the Lord's people turns into a tremendous testimony to the World. Some in the world are disturbed, there are others who are questioning. There will surely be a great number who be delighted to join the band. Let us be delighted in the Lord and let us delight the Lord with our daily lives!

Sunday, May 1, 2016


6th Sunday in Eastertide: 1st May 2016

Acts 15: 1-2, 22-29; Rev 21: 10-14,22-23; Jn 14: 23-29

Peace I give you; My peace I give to you! The Community of the Risen Lord is called to be a Community of Peace and Peacemakers. The Word today outlines to us the approaches to establish true peace among the people of God. It is a 3D approach, a three dimensional approach.

D1-First Dimension: Self - Deep Seated Faith
Faith is the spiritual tranquiliser at any moment of crisis or trouble. Faith is the assurance of the presence of God with me, which makes me courageous enough to accept the situation I find myself in. The Community of believers were going through a time of crisis, as two factions among themselves began to take exceptions to each other. However, the situation was brough under control, but the way the decision was made is remarkable as we read it even today. "It has been decided by the Holy Spirit and by ourselves..." That is the key to their peace, their deep seated faith that God was right amidst them all through the crisis. When crisis come our way, one of the first things we negate is the presence and empathy of God. But peace comes with a deep seated faith that never ever doubts the empathetic presence of God with me!

D2-Second Dimension: God - Divine Familiarity
The Christ-ian understanding of God is not a God who is up above the sky looking down on God's children and judging them. But it is a God who dwells with them, within them and among them. This is what Jesus promises today: If you love me, you will keep my word and my Father will love you and we shall come to him and make our home with him.When God makes our home with us, we would have no lack of peace. The true peace comes from the fact that the Lord lives with us. The first readings speaks of the Holy Spirit living with us, the Second reading speaks of the Father and Son making their resplendent presence amidst us and in the Gospel Jesus speaks of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit coming to make a family with us! That is peace, a sense of total assurance that I am surrounded by the Lord!

D3-Third Dimension: Others - Dialogue and Discernment
The First reading once again brings to the fore the need and the importance of Dialogue and Discernment. Peace and Understanding reigned in the Early Christian Community because of the presence of Dialogue and Discernment. Dialogue and Discernment are two phases of a single process. Dialogue is the phase where the two parties involved have their views and opinions presented to each other. Discernment is the phase where they both come to a common ground, look over and beyond their point of view and come to a consensus towards a common decision. The One who inspires this common view is the Holy Spirit who is the source of all discernment, the third party who mediates the dialogue. When this third party is not involved in our dialogues they end up without proper discernment and lead only to two stubborn sides. Dialogue and Discernment presupposes three dispositions: one, that I am convinced of my stand; two, that I respect the other; and three, that I believe that the Spirit is at work.

When a community has these three dimensions clear, the Lord's peace reigns. Such a community glows to be truly Christian!