Saturday, June 24, 2017


Every Life is a Miracle

The Nativity of John the Baptist - 24th June, 2017
Is 49:1-6; Acts 13:22-26; Lk1:57-66, 80

I often insist, there are no coincidences. There are only miracles! One constant and incomparable miracle in human life is birth! Just imagine, before you were born your father, mother, home, family, everything was determined and prepared for.  All that you had to do was be there and insert yourself into that reality. Everybody would be wondering what would become of you, but God had definitive plans. If only you cooperated with those plans, you would achieve the purpose of your life... which is not merely a pretty long life for its own sake. Many have gone rather early but that "early" is highly relative to the purposes achieved by those persons: for St. Francis it was 45 years, for St. Anthony it  was 35 and for St.  Dominic Savio it was just 14 plus! The Miracle is how things happen in such succession and correspondence that you can hardly account for. When we are mindful of a divine hand guiding us, we would find a great peace and serenity even amidst raging troubles and persistent problems. 

John's birth today is painted in a manner that vividly brings out the miracle that every person is and every life is. What is important here is to be mindful of the call and be open to its ways. Learn to look at yourself with a sense of mystery. Open the eyes of your soul to see the mystery in others. Keep your faith alive to realise and experience the Mystery present always with you - the Lord who is leading you by your hand!

Friday, June 23, 2017


Burning - forever, for you, to burn you!

Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - 23rd June, 2017
Dt 7:6-11; 1 Jn 4:7-16; Mt 11:25-30

The Lord is not merely Spirit, the Lord is fire too... a fire of fidelity, that burns bright come what may! Fidelity is God's highest quality as God is a person who is faithful without considering any conclusion! The Lord burns, burns with love, burns for you and me, burns to light our life and to burn our weaknesses: God is Fire, the fire of Fidelity! And that is what we celebrate today...

The Fire of Fidelity, burns bright to give us life and a new lease of life. It burns forever. The Lord has always loved us and will always love us. The Love of the Lord comes from time immemorial and we do not deserve it a even  a bit. God has made a covenant with us and God is utterly faithful to that covenant.

The Fire of Fidelity, burns to brighten each of our lives gratuitously. Yes, it burns for you and me. I may be unfaithful at times, undeserving mostly and mindless of the covenant I have with the Lord, but the Lord never gives up on me.

The Fire of Fidelity, burns in order to set me on fire, on a fire of selfless love. I am called and challenged by the love of God to find ways are means of burning for others. My life has to become a living sacrifice for others and thus I would begin to shine forth, spreading the grace of love to the world.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

WORD 2day: 22nd June, 2017

Being Right Models

Thursday, 11th week in Ordinary Time
2 Mac 6: 18, 21, 24-31; Mt 24: 4-13

People who have a social standing wish to project themselves as models to others -it is natural and necessary. When the Lord says, you are the light of the world and be a salt to the earth, it is this that the Lord means - to be righteous and to be right models. 

There can be those whose private lives and interior convictions are evil, but who project themselves as great models. They live forever with their masks on and their deceptive looks maintained with utmost care. They mislead people and manipulate the system to gain their own good and fulfill their hidden agenda. We need to shun these out of our lives.

There are those who have great convictions in their hearts, who try to live by it but very easily give in to evil and compromise even on fundamental values. They twist and turn their conviction to fend for their convenience. They may not be evil, but are equally harmful for a fulfilled living.

The Right models are those who have the right convictions within, strive for it, do not wait for the approval of all, face consequences with a daring heart, and are ready even to give their life for the truth and integrity. Aren't these the right models to be inspired by? 

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

WORD 2day: 21st June, 2017

Cheerful giver or Colourful giver

Wednesday, 11th week in Ordinary Time
2 Cor 9: 6-11; Mt 6: 1-6,16-18

Some give cheerfully. Some others give colourfully, that is making a show of it to the entire world.  Giving is good but what makes it a virtue is the way you do it.
Giving merely because you want people to know you as a giver, is duplicity.
Giving and making sure everyone knows that you give, is publicity.
Giving and not being so much bothered about people knowing or recognising it is simplicity.
Giving and wishing that no one gets to know it is true sanctity!

Monday, June 19, 2017

WORD 2day: 20th June, 2017

Generosity - growing towards Christian perfection

Tuesday, 11th week in Ordinary Time
2 Cor 8: 1-9; Mt 5: 43-48

Being Generous is an essential element of Christian perfection and this generosity has a few existential elements that make a Christian more and more God-like. 

First, generosity in forgiveness. It helps me look the faults of others as something that can be ignored, and the person as much more important than their faults.

Second, generosity in giving. It helps me not to keep the count, being unconditional in giving.

Third, generosity in sharing. It makes me ignore the fact whether I have much or not; making me ready to share even the little that I have.

Fourthly , generosity in praying. It makes me wish everything good for all, even those who do not wish the same in return.

Fifthly, generosity in loving. It makes me embrace the other without expecting anything in return. 

Looking at these dimensions, can we not say, they make us grow in our perfection and become like God?

WORD 2day: 19th June, 2017

The Mystery of Now

Monday, 11th week in Ordinary time
2 Cor 6: 1-10; Mt 5: 38-42

NOW is the watchword today - the post modern gurus and self help specialists insist on the now, the here and now. Though it has its great value, this kind of a thinking can have its own set of problems. The Now is reduced to either an insensitivity to the past or carelessness of the future. That is, a society that does not bank on its true past and the rich heritage is insensitive to its past and it misses to reap the fruits that have been initiated long ago. And the other is a mindset that cares for nothing that is yet to come, concentrating only on the moment that is there and making the most of it, draining it of its inherent potency and losing out on the great lessons a moment can offer.

When Paul says, Now is the favourable time and today is the day of salvation, he does not mean to disregard the past or neglect the future. He invites us to unravel the mystery of the moment, the mystery of now. The present moment contains within it the fruit of the past and the seed of the future, and a conscious living of present can make my life so wise and wealthy. Forgiveness and Generosity are the two values upheld today: Forgiveness relativises the past and Generosity relativises the future - both emphasising the mystery that is treasured in the present. 

Living the present with the mindset of Christ - absolutising the space for God and the space for the other, will make us understand that the present is given to us to forgive the past and generously give the future - that is the mystery that is embedded in the present. That is what Christ did, the Apostles proclaimed and we are called to live!

Sunday, June 18, 2017


Celebrating a God who is all for us

Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ
18th June, 2017 : Dt 8:2-3,14-16; 1Cor 10: 16-17; Jn 6: 51-58

We celebrate today a God who is all for us - it is neither an empty phrase nor an exaggeration. God is for us in everyway and if God is for us, who can be against us. 

Why does God choose to be the food - to nurture us, nourish us and strengthen us in our daily living.

Why does the Lord choose to give His flesh - to become part of our flesh, to be so incorporated in us to make us feel alive.

Why does God do all these for us - because the love of the Lord is immense and unconditional, exceeding all limits and boundaries.

What is the call: to nurture each other's faith, to be part of each other's lives, to be worthy children of that unfathomable love of God!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

WORD 2day: 17th June, 2017

Yes, No and New Creation

Saturday, 10th week in Ordinary Time
2 Cor 5: 14-21; Mt 5: 33-37

Whether we live or die, it is for Christ - an absolute allegiance to Christ is what Paul recommends as a sign of true disciples of Christ. Let your yes be yes and your no, no. Such candidness can give rise to problems and challenges. But challenges and problems would not matter as I am a new creation in Christ. 

The Newness refers to the difference in priorities - what the world finds important does not seem so to me and what the world does not bother about seems very important to me; what the world advocates to everyone as the source of happiness in life appears to me a source of sorrow and what the world wants me to avoid as a plague, becomes a way to more permanent happiness that comes from the Lord. The New priority marks the newness that I possess in Christ.

Being in Christ would mean being rooted in Christ, being built up in Christ, being born anew in Christ - making Christ's values my own, Christ's mind my own, Christ's priority my own...No one can be in Christ except through the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit that gives me the courage to maintain my yes, no and my nature as a new creation in Christ. 

Friday, June 16, 2017

WORD 2day: 16th June, 2017

Caring for the Earthenwares

Friday, 10th week in Ordinary Time
2 Cor 4: 7-10; Mt 5: 27-32

Commercials that we see, for the most, have to do with our body - health drinks, hair care, skin care, cosmetics, jewels and dresses! Is there anything wrong here - ofcourse not! Caring for the body is an important part of our life. We have come a long way from the type of thinking that looked at the body as alien and something to be kept under constant control. But the danger is, has the world gone overboard? Is it being exaggerated to such an extent as to absolutise the care for the body, making it the top most concern? The Word today warns us against this exaggerated mindset that the world seems to be proposing.

The body has to be taken care of, it cannot be despised as if it is of no value! Neither should it become the sole focus forgetting the rest of the faculties that makes us so special. The Spirit or the Soul that we possess is what we are, the image of God within us, the spark of the flame that burns so bright...however it cannot be perceived or experienced or cared for without linking it to our body. That is why our bodies are compared to earthenwares that contain treasures within. They cannot be trampled upon without respect - with habits like abuse, despise and objectification. But neither can they be thought of as treasures in themselves - then it would be so disappointing to care for something so passing! Care for the body, keep it as the dwelling place of the Spirit and tend the Spirit within - that would lead you to holistic life!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

WORD 2day: 15th June, 2017

Witness: Deeper, brighter and freer 

Thursday,  10th week in Ordinary time 
2 Cor 3:15 - 4:1,3-6; Mt 5: 20-26

'Preach not by words, preach by virtues' - St. Anthony would often say. Just as St. Francis who  would repeat, 'preach always, when needed use words'. Witness is the first form of proclamation that the Church recommends to every baptised person.  A life of witness, is a life marked by the Spirit of the Lord - this is the crux of the Word today.

We cannot be mere common people, we have to become committed people. We cannot be just any people, we have to be inspiring people. We cannot be just acceptable people, we have to be challenging people. We cannot be satisfied with just a mediocre life of non-disturbance and mind-myself mentality, we have to be people who disturb the world and be the conscience wherever we are. 

This means that our life has to be lived in a personal and common space that is much deeper - going to the roots of what rules and regulations mean.

It means that our words and more so our actions, should shine brighter in a world that is filled with so much fear, fear to have personal opinions, fear to have personal choices, fear to live a convinced life.

It means that our mind, heart and our spirit is more free, looking at the right and the good as something to be lovingly chosen and integrally held on to.

All these are possible only with the Spirit who can deepen our perspective, brighten our convictions and free our spirits! The Lord is Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

WORD 2day: 14th June, 2017

The Reign - that which lasts

Wednesday, 10th week in Ordinary Time
2 Cor 3: 4-11; Mt 5: 17-19

Moses allows divorce; Jesus forbids. Moses insists on the sabbath; Jesus relativises it. Moses gives cleanliness rules; Jesus despises the insistence on the external cleanliness. We can go on listing certain elements that people, not only during Jesus' time but even today, consider contrasting each other, between the law given by Moses and the lifestyle proposed by Jesus. They are not constrasting one another - the latter is outgrowing the former; the latter is letting the former evolve! Evolving is always towards a destined finality - and here the destiny is 'that which lasts' - not to lose ourselves in passing and transient concerns but to focus on that which lasts. According to Jesus that which lasts forever is the Reign of God. 

Reign of the God is that absolute criterion against which all these rules, regulations, legislations and customs shall be understood, interpreted and made sense of. Reign of God is the righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Concentrating on the interior peacefulness and happiness, leads to integrity - which is the only possibility of each of us becoming agents of the Reign of God, bringing all God's will to fulfillment. 


Celebrating St, Antony - the Preacher par excellence

13th June, 2017
Is 61: 1-3; Lk 10: 1-9

St. Antony is considered a preacher par excellence - his tongue that remains as a relic even today bears testimony to this fact. It is not only his eloquence that sets him apart as a preacher, but the quality of his preaching came from the corresponding life that he lived! It is so interesting to note that he lived along side another giant of a saint - St. Francis of Assisi, who was born 13 years before him. Though the two initially did not know each other, there were moments when they entered each other's life and left mutually edifying indelible marks. 

The Learned Preacher - the Augustinian Fernando
Born in 1195, Fernando Martins was his baptism name and he joined the Augustinian Monks when he was just 15, at a monastery close to his place in Lisbon. After two years there, he asked to be transferred as his friends and relatives were often visiting him there whereas he wanted to live a life of rigorous solitude, though the Diviine Providence was planning something greater. He was transferred to Coimbra and there he studied theology and was ordained a priest. He was a learned preacher when saw five Franciscan friars' dead body arriving at a neighbouring Franciscan friary, martyred at Morocco. 

The Ardent Preacher - the Franciscan Anthony
His zeal to be a missionary flagged in him and he asked to change his habit into that of a Franciscan, because his longing to be a preacher by life was reflected in their way of living. The Franciscans there, were taking care of the Church of St. Anthony of Egypt, whose name Fernando took for himself as he became one among them.  Anthony would often say, the best way of preaching is preaching by your virtues! And that is what he was aiming at when he asked to become a Franciscan and he wanted to go to Morocco. It happened exactly so, but it did not last long. Within a few months he got too ill and had to be sent back to Portugal, where he never reached. On the way due to a shipwreck he landed in Sicily. 

The Humble Preacher - the Provincial Anthony
In Sicily, the Franciscan friars nursed him back to health but they did not know him much. From what they saw, he was a simply friar and they placed him in a small responsibility of assisting the Provincial on his journeys. In one such journeys, when the Provincial had gone for an Ordination of some Franciscans and Dominicans, there was a mishap - that no one was prepared with a sermon. When asked on the spot to preach, everyone declined and the Provincial ordered Anthony to say just a few words - that was the beginning of the change! Every one there was amazed at the knowledge, the power and the sanctity that emanated from every word that Anthony uttered. Francis of Assisi, the founder heard of this incident and was impressed at the fact that such a learned man remained hidden all this while. Francis was looking for such a humble model to be convinced that learning and humility could go together. In 1224, he placed him responsible for teaching theology to his young friars in formation. And soon Anthony was asked to go to Northern Italy for the ministry of Preaching. And by 1226 he became the Provincial of Northern Italy. 

He lived just 35 years, as he died in 1231, but had accomplished great feats for the Lord within the short while. That is why it took less than a year for the Church to make him a saint - he was canonised already by May 1232. The sanctity was so visible, already when he lived and after his death through numerous miracles. A Preacher par excellence, because of his humility and holiness, St. Anthony challenges us to preach by our virtues wherever we are. St. Anthony, Pray for us! 

Monday, June 12, 2017

WORD 2day: 12th June, 2017

Blessedness: Suffering or Consolation

Monday, 10th week in Ordinary Time
1 Cor 1:1-7; Mt 5:1-12

Christian life is a call to living a life of love and communion. In a life of true love and communion - such as a loving couple, or a well bonded family, or a truly spiritual Religious community, or a well animated parish community - it is hard to find which is more blessed: suffering or consolation. That is what Paul expresses today. He says there are sufferings but they are not so abhorrent, because it comes from the Lord and is experienced for the sake of the Lord. There is a consolation that comes after that suffering which again comes from the Lord. Which is more blessed now - the consolation? or the suffering which was the cause of the consolation? It is altogether a different perspective. 

The perspective comes from the Beatitudes that Jesus taught those with him when he lived. It was a totally different perspective but a very true perspective. Beatitudes serve as a lasting guideline for us, to live our lives as true Christians. It is a call and a challenge - can we make it true in our personal, family and communitarian living?

Sunday, June 11, 2017


The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity : 11th June, 2017

An Accompanying, Relating and Self-giving God
Exo 34: 4b -6, 8-9; 2 Cor 13: 11-13; Jn 3: 16-18

The feast of the Holy Trinity is an invitation to a life of communion, communion between persons, communion within the family, within the local church, in the universal Church and above all, an invitation to the ultimate and perfect communion with God! Communion defines what it means to be a Christian: and that is because we believe in a God of Communion!

Entering into the theology of the Holy Trinity will take us too far; but the verse from St. Paul in the second reading today (1 Cor 13:13), summarises it all. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Already in the early Church the understanding of the God they believed in, the idea of the God whom Jesus introduced them to, the concept of the God who has been with them all this while, was clear and concrete. 

What we believe in, affects what we live. If not, we either do not really believe or do not live our own life. If we really believe in the Holy Trinity as we should, we should be promoters of communion in our interpersonal relationships, in our family, in our faith communities and in the locality wherever we live, ultimately challenging the whole world to this communion of humanity. The divisive forces cannot really take the upper hand if each and every individual loves, longs for and promotes passionately this communion that the God we believe in stands for. 

The God of Communion is an Accompanying God. God accompanies not because we deserve that accompaniment, but because God takes responsibility over us, as God's people. That is the covenant that God has made: you shall be my people and I shall be your God. In the first reading today, when Moses asks God to be with the people, it is exactly this covenant that is invoked. An accompanying God is the basis of the communion between God and humanity, and it is our belief that God has kept this possibility open right from the beginning.

The God of Communion is a Relating God. Communion is unreal, unless through relationship. And God relates to us continuously, God communicates constantly and wishes to remain in constant touch with us. If we realise, respect and recognise the role of this relationship, it will be reflected in our day to day relatioships: encourage each other; agree with each other; live in peace, exhorts St.Paul. Anyone who says he loves God and does not love his brother or sister, is a liar, warns St. James (1 Jn 4:20). 

The God of Communion is a Self-giving God. God is not merely almighty, God is all-loving and all-giving too! God gives and forgives, it is said; we get and forget! For God so loved the world that God gave the only Son, Jesus Christ, that we may have life! For Christ so loved his brothers and sisters that he gave his own life, his body and blood, that we may have life! For the Spirit so loves us that the Spirit dwells in our hearts, in our bodies, in our selves! The God of communion seeks communion with us, and seeks communion among us. 

The Trinity is the right corrective the world so divided and so threatened by hatred today. Killings, exploitations, corruption and manipulation are painful manifestations of the lack of communion. Personal Intergrity, Christian Fellowship and Universal Brotherhood are the three fundamental forms of communion that we need to work towards these days. Let us begin with our personal selves and reach wherever we reach, so that we can rightfully say that we believe in the God of Communion and that we stand for the Accompanying, Relating and  Self-giving God, the God of Communion, the Loving Father and Mother, the Life-giving Son and the Indwelling Spirit. 

Saturday, June 10, 2017

WORD 2day: 10th June, 2017

Giving - not just giving - but a Spiritual Giving

Saturday, 9th week in Ordinary time
Tob 12: 1,5-15,20; Mk 12:38-44

To give is a virtue, but not all giving is a virtue! Only a Spiritual Giving can transform itself into a virtuous act. One can give with various disposition - it is that disposition that makes that giving a virtue or not. 

Giving for getting: this is business, where one is intent on the returns. One gives, little or a lot, that does not matter, but to get something. To get the profits or to get the glory or to take all the credit of having given. That giving, however good, cannot be a virtue.

Giving the given: this is gratitude, where one is thinking of paying back. One gives, because he or she has received a lot. Having received a lot, one feels obliged to give, atleast a bit of it, as a sign of having received. That giviing, seems more blessed, but not yet as pure as a virtue. Today Tobit and Tobias plan to give Raphael because they have received a lot - wealth, health and happiness. But God has other plans and reveals to them, in such a way that they understand their true blessedness is not that wealth but the Lord having been with them, through God's Angel.

Giving in the Spirit: this is virtue, where one is inspired to offer oneself totally to the Lord. One gives, but only as a sign of the decision to give himself or herself totally to the One who has given everything. This is what Jesus saw in the poor widow - this is what Raphael instructs Tobit and Tobias: Prayer, Fasting, Giving (Alms) and Good Conduct should go together says Angel Raphael to the father and the son (Tob 12:8). This is Spiritual Giving and it is the virtue that God expects from us! 

Let us begin the practice today, shall we?

Friday, June 9, 2017

WORD 2day: 9th June, 2017

The Son and the blessedness

Friday, 9th week in Ordinary Time
Tob 11:5-17; Mk 12:35-37

Anna was excited to see her son and felt she could even die in peace, since she had seen her son. Tobit was delighted in his son, as his son comes back from the journey. Tobias becomes the happiness of his parents. Both Anna and Tobit were almost reborn because of Tobias. Is this what the poet meant when he said, 'the child is the father of the man'! Tobias almost gave new birth to Tobit who actually wanted to die. 

Jesus wants to give that same new life to the people but they are still trying to make out for themselves who Jesus was, whose son he was and to whom they could link him to. Jesus invites us to become aware of our sonship and daughterhood. He says the earthly fathers and mothers, the earthly generations we treasure are but passing, and we need to have that eternal abode that sustains our journey.  You are the children of God, when we hear Jesus telling us this, we would inherit the blessedness that he himself had.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

WORD 2day: 8th June, 2017

True love saves

Thursday, 9th week in Ordinary Time
Tob 6: 10-11, 7:1,9-14, 8:4-9; Mk 12: 28-34

Tobias, whose story we have been travelling with these days, gives us an excellent challenge - true love truly saves us! True love is that which has no trace of selfishness or no trace of expectation or no trace of judgement over the other. Does my love fall within this definition? Then it is true, if not, it is no love in the first place!

Love is the crux of being Christians - not to love is ceasing to be Christians. Because only by the love that we have for each other the world can distinguish that we are Christians (cf. Jn 13:35). At times, we are taken for granted or persecuted or trampled upon because we give an impression that we are weak, due to love. But let us be certain, we are stronger, when we act in love. We are stronger, we are closer to salvation than anyone can get. You are not far from the Kingdom of God - what a compliment that was from Jesus...

Love. Love everyone. Love with singleness of heart. Love with respect for the other. Love with a determination to give. Love with a detachment from returns. Love with all your heart and with true spirit. Love and be saved!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

WORD 2day: 6th June 2017

FAITHFUL-  to God and to Humanity

Tuesday,  9th week in Ordinary Time
Tob 2:9-15; Mk 12:13-17

To God and to humanity... it's a splendid guideline that Jesus gives us today! A religious or pious practice that does not have this dual framework, will  be either too removed from reality or too simplistic to be considered spiritual.

In the first reading today we hear of Tobit who lost his sight but never complained against God. The same person who was so faithful to his God, did not have an open mind towards his wife! His judgemental attitude towards his wife, to a great extent, negates the goodness he practiced towards God. His  wife does not stop from pointing it out to him. He needed that reminder to be truly a person of God.

Jesus communicates the same in the gospel as he reminds us to give to God what belongs to God and to the world what belongs to the world. We need our spiritual eyes open to find out truly what to give the Lord and what to give the world. The right balance is the faithfulness we are speaking of- faithfulness to God and to humanity!

Monday, June 5, 2017


June 6th, 2017 

That day:
Looking back at the 41 years...that day stands out as a day to be marked, to be marked for life...yes a day that defined the entire life style to be adapted.

The call:
The call that I have received is to live my everyday with God. The picture that I have chosen reminds me of the day and the call... first of all the water reminding of the baptismal font; the waves and the stillness reminding of the situations in life and the two firm and strong and the other a bit battered reminding me of the experiences that have been around in life. 

The reminder:
May the day remind me of the call that I have received, the privilege that I have, being related to the Lord and the challenge I have, to remain connected to the Lord on a daily basis.

A prayer on the day of Baptism:
O Lord, may I realise your grace that I have received in my baptism. May I always be mindful of your presence with me and within me, that I may become to all that very presence, adding glory to your name! You live and reign forever and ever.

WORD 2day: 5th June, 2017

Fruits cannot be forced

Monday, 9th week in Ordinary Time 
Tob 1:3 - 2: 1-8; Jn 12: 1-12

Tobit dares all consequences to be righteous in the eyes of the Lord. No king, no  threat,  no punishment could stop him from being faithful to the call that he believed he had from the Lord. Tobias learns from him. Just as fruits cannot be forced from a tree, faithfulness cannot be forced from a person. He or She will be faithful in as much as the  person is convinced about the call that he or she had received from the Lord.

Our life is a call and we are called to bear fruit, when we don't we are missing the point. Let's not wait to be forced to bear fruit, neither should we be pressurised not to. No fruit can be forced and no force can block authentic fruits. 

Saturday, June 3, 2017


Principles of Unity: Communication, Conciliation and Christ

Solemnity of Pentecost: 4th June, 2017
Acts 2:1-11; 1 Cor 12:3-7,12-13; Jn 20:19-23

We are people of the Spirit - that is the reminder we are given with today! We are people of the Spirit - in contrast to the people of the world (if we can make that distinction). But being people of the Spirit is not merely a namesake understanding. Our life has to show that we are people of the Spirit. The fruits and the gifts of the Spirit that we are well aware of, inspires in us a lifestyle that is ideal and an inspiration to everyone around. If we were truly the people of the Spirit, it has to be seen, seen in our daily life, our daily choices, in our very way of life. Infights, ego clashes, misunderstandings, jealousies, misgivings - these are signs of the lack of Spirit. Even some so-called spiritual people give into these deficiencies and that is a clear sign that they are spiritual people only in their name and title. 

There are certain principles of unity that the Spirit ensures in a Spirit-filled person. The first of those principles is Communication. Simple blocks in communication among persons are the primary cause of the big unresolved issues. Husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters, kith and kin, friends and neighbours - when communication stops, understanding disappears. communication stops due to blocks like prejudice, taking the other for granted and ego trips. Even when one talks, the other doesn't really understand because the other is listening from his or her own prejudice or pre-understanding. When each one hears only what one wants to hear, there is either lack of communication or gross miscommunication!

Christ is the invincible principle of unity. The Spirit unites us in the Lord. We become one, one in the Lord, one body of Christ and this is possible only through the Spirit. Believing in Christ, has to unite us not divide us. As St. Paul would complain, do not say, I belong to Paul, I belong to Apollos or I belong to Cephas...saying thus you are dividing the Lord. Today the factions that we have among the believers and the way one group vies with the other to increase their numbers or prove their strength is an outright counter witness to the One Lord and that is why, a divided church is the greatest scandal in the world. If we truly believe in  One Lord and pledge our allegiance to that One Lord, where does the division and fight come from? 

Conciliation is an important principle of unity. We are human persons, each with our own limitations and weaknesses. We cannot avoid little misunderstandings and misgivings, but what is detrimental is, not finding a way out of these misunderstandings and misgivings. A truly Spirit-filled will take the initiative of reconciling with the other. He or she will not look for reasons to blame the other or excuses to prolong the stand off. The Spirit-filled persons will find ready reasons to reconcile, to rebuild relationships and build up the Body of Christ. In a recent meeting with the President of the US, Pope Francis gave him an icon of peace, and insisted that he be promoter of peace and not war! That is the sign of a Spirit filled person.

A true sign of Spirit filled persons is the person's longing for unity and his or her concrete initiatives towards unity! 

WORD 2day: 3rd June, 2017

What does it matter - You Follow!

Saturday after Ascension Sunday
Acts 28:16-20,30-31; Jn 21: 20-25

What does it matter when we are called to proclaim the good news of the Lord - nothing should really matter: whether we are free or bound, whether we are threatened or encouraged, whether we are rewarded or taken to task, whether we are in good health or in sickness, whether we are supported or not - nothing should really matter! Paul and Peter today give us a beautiful message: proclaim the good news in season and out of season. 

What do we really need to announce the good news but our loving words, caring attitudes, sensitive heart and meaningful relations! We have persons around us and we have an opportunity to deal with them. That is all we need to proclaim the good news - the news that God loves us. This is what Jesus did and today he calls you and me to follow. What does it matter to us - let us follow the Lord!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

WORD 2day: 2nd June, 2017

Where you would rather not go

Friday after the Ascension Sunday
Acts 25: 13-21; Jn 21: 15-19

With the Spirit in you, you would go where you would rather not go, you would do things which you would rather not do, you would say things that you would rather not would become so unpredictable, as surprising as the Lord Himself. The Spirit empowers you to be as powerful as the Lord is! 

Paul does something like that today - he appeals to the Emperor! Jesus predicts it for Peter and it is seen in Paul...he does something that one would rather not. The courage for that choice comes from the Spirit. It is not only that the Lord is unpredictable, even those who are in the Lord are unpredictable. They would take the world by surprise. People would stand in awe at the choices made, because they would make choices that people would rather not make.