Thursday, December 31, 2020
God's Presence, Peace and Every Blesssing
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Thank You Lord for 2020
WORD 2day: The last day of the year
December 31, 2020: 1 John 2: 18-21; John 1: 1-18
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Our disposition - surrender or manipulation?
WORD 2day: 6th day in Christmas Octave
December 30, 2020: 1 John 2: 12-17; Luke 2: 36-40
Monday, December 28, 2020
Love - the light of life
WORD 2day: 5th day in Christmas Octave
December 29, 2020: 1 John 2: 3-11; Luke 2: 22-35
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Innocents! Massacred even today!
December 28, 2020: Feast of the Holy Innocents
1 John 1:5 -2:2; Matthew 2: 13-18
The Solemnity of the Holy Family
27th December, 2020 - Genesis 15:1-6, 21:1-3; Hebrews 11: 8, 11-1217-19; Luke 2: 22-40![](
The Holy family offered the Lord to the world:
The Holy family created a space for the Lord to live with them:
The Holy family does more than just standing around and blessing us today!
Friday, December 25, 2020
Persecuted Christians - the epitome of the Reign to come
December 26, 2020: St. Stephen, the first MartyrActs 6: 8-10, 7: 54-59; Matthew 10: 17-22
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Today, we celebrate love! Christmas is a festival of love, the love that God has for us! This love is not something that we can easily understand, not a love that we can easily explain nor a love that we can easily imitate! Because it is a scandalous love! Yes we celebrate a Scandalous Love today! What makes this love so scandalous are the three negatives that this love is characterised by. Let us dwell a bit on those...THREE SCANDALOUS NEGATIVES...each negative more scandalous than the previous.
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
O Emmanuel - God is with us!
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
O Rising Sun...the illumining fire
December 23, 2020: Fourth Wednesday in AdventMalachi 3:1-4, 23-24; Luke 1: 57-66
The Morning Star announces the break of day, the transition from darkness to light. The Lord's coming is like the coming of the morning star - an announcement of the break of day, the awakening of light, the rise of knowledge, the enlightening of our existence.
O Root - the root of true joy
December 22, 2020: Fourth Tuesday in Advent
1 Samuel 1: 24-28; Luke 1: 46-56
The Root of Jesse is not merely recalling history, it is projecting a sense of hope and and anticipation and aresultant exulting in the Lord. The Lord Reigns! And that is enough reason for us to exult.Against the background of the current pandemic and the newest escalation of the same crisis, the Word clarifies to us the role of hope that the Lord gives us. Mindful of it, every person in the Lord is called to exult in the coming of the Lord.
The Lord came, in history, to ensure that humanity knew its roots, the image and likeness in which it is made.
The Lord comes in every experience and person which acts as the root of meaning to life and life's choices.
The Lord shall come wherever and whenever there is a search for the roots that can offer hope and meaning to life that is ahead.
The Word made flesh was the root of Jesse, a descendent of David, the Son of Man, who identified with us - a great reason to rejoice and exult. True joy comes from the fact that we are united in the root, from where comes the real meaning of life. No success or failure, no social status or title, no accomplishment or lack can define me. It is only the deep rooted image of God within me that can give me true joy! This day invites us to contemplate this image of God, made flesh, become human and nourishes as the root of our very being and of its true joy.
Sunday, December 20, 2020
O Key of David - Saving Assurance
December 21, 2020: Fourth Monday in Advent
Songs of Songs 2:18-14; Luke 1:39-45
Blessed assurance, we sing! The assurance is born of love, the love of God which comes down from centuries to centuries! This is the message from the Word for this day, taking us closer to the celebrations of Christmas.People of God are not merely persons or families, it is progenies...generations after generations. That says so much about the community dimension of Christian faith. Christian faith is lived in communities, in interpersonal communication, in intercommunity communion and universal communion. The salvation that comes from the Lord, comes as an assurance, amidst all our unworthiness!
Assurance, yes...but not without a natural and due prerequisites - that which tops them all is the eagerness and readiness to behold the Lord. The first reading speaks to us of the yearning and the eagerness in the heart of the beloveds of God, for God! The Gospel highlights the readiness, preparedness and promptness in recognising the Lord and beholding God's presence.
Reaching out to the other, gratefully recognising the service of the other as God's intervention, and finding God's presence in every event of life, is a sign of beholding God's presence. What the Lord opens no one can close, and what the Lord closes no one can open. The Lord is the key to understand the real meaning of our lives... that is our saving assurance!
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Prepare a dwelling for the Lord
Judges 27: 1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Romans 16: 25-27; Luke 1: 26-38
We are in the last Sunday before the all important feast we have been preparing ourselves for! Just 4 days to go for Christmas. Today the readings speak of the importance of getting ready with a home for the Lord. David in the first reading is concerned with building a home for the Lord and in the Gospel we see God preparing a worthy home for God's son to be born into this world, the worthy home being Mother Mary's immaculate womb. And it leaves us with one pertinent question: have I prepared a home to receive my saviour yet?
Friday, December 18, 2020
O Great Lord of All
December 18, 2020: Lord - the Lord of All
Jeremiah 23: 5-8; Matthew 1: 18-24
O Adonai, the Lord of all...that is how the people of Israel experienced YHWH...the Lord of everyone, the Lord of everything, the Lord of time and the Lord of history, Everything that happened, happened not only with the knowledge of the Lord, but within the great plan of salvation.There were things going wrong, they considered it a punishment. There were things going just well, and they knew it was God who ordained it for them. There were things getting slowly into shape and they knew it was God was making things happen for them. God was their Lord, not just their Lord, but Lord of everything, Lord of all...the Lord of Lords.
In waiting for the Lord, the Word wishes us to grow in this attitude of accepting the Lord, as the Lord of all...Our Lord in everything...Lord of every dimension of our life! Without reserving for ourselves nothing, absolutely nothing in our life. The Lord knows us and therefore whatever we experience it is from the hands of the Lord - be they joys or sorrows, challenges or victories!
Shall we grow in that attitude...let the school of the Word in Advent teach us!
Thursday, December 17, 2020
O Wisdom of God Most High
December 17, 2020: Wisdom - the Word made flesh
Genesis 49: 2, 8-10; Matthew 1: 1-17
This day marks the beginning of the seven special days of preparation towards the great feast of the Word becoming flesh...the Word eternal, when enfleshes itself, becomes Wisdom, the concrete manifestation of God's knowledge.The Wisdom of God Most High, has been witnessed to from time immemorial, from all eternity. The Gospel's genealogy account, is to establish this eternal plan coming to its fulfilment in Christ, in incarnation and in the very act of God choosing to intervene in human history in a manner that cannot be paralleled to any.
God's Wisdom is manifest in justice that flourishes and peace that flows like an ever flowing river. Where there is justice and peace, there is Wisdom. When I become a source of peace and champion of justice, I become the Wisdom of God, that is, the manifestation of God made human! When I do nothing to further the cause of justice or peace, I cannot claim to be wise, nor to be in the vicinity of Wisdom, that is God who comes to dwell amidst us.
Much worse, when I am the cause of injustice even in the least of ways, or the reason for destruction of peace whether consciously or unconsciously, I am against the Word, against the Wisdom, against the Reign of God that every Christmas very specially indicates.
Today, let us resolve to behold the Wisdom of God, be filled with that Wisdom and share that Wisdom so that, we may create wherever we are, a community of justice and peace, concrete revelations of the Wisdom of the God most high.
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Open your eyes and make Him seen!
December 16, 2020: 3rd Wednesday in Advent
Isaiah 45:6-8,18,21-25; Lk 7: 19-23
We begin the novena to the great feast of Christmas this evening! And the Word today inaugurates the immediate preparation to receive with Lord, with the question: are you the one to come? And look at the answer given , not merely by Jesus also by the first reading and the responsorial psalm. Open your eyes and see!John the Baptist who identified Jesus and proclaimed him to the people, begins to have his doubts. Maybe, he too, just like the other Jews, expected Jesus to come out with a plan and a programme drastically different - a rebellion, a revolution, a protest, a challenge to the status quo! All these were happening, but in a much different plane altogether, from what everyone was trying to see!
The dumb speak, the deaf hear, the crippled walk, the sinners are forgiven, the diseased are healed, the lonely are accompanied, the poor are fed, the jobless are sustained, the weak are strengthened, the oppressed are freed, the voiceless are empowered, the least are lifted, the lost are respected... these are the signs of the coming of the Lord.
Are you the one to come? The Lord would say...I have already come! Are you ready to make me seen? Are you prepared manifest me to the world in your words and attitudes, in your choices and priorities, in your criteria and discerments? It is important to open your eyes and see...but as sons and daughters of God, we have an added duty! Apart from opening our eyes and seeing, we need to open our eyes to all the suffering and the needy, and make the Lord seen! That shall be true Christmas!
Monday, December 14, 2020
Truly God's Children?
Zephaniah 3: 1-2, 9-13; Matthew 21: 28-32
Sunday, December 13, 2020
It's all around you!
Saturday, December 12, 2020
A Joy that comes from right priorities!
Third Sunday of Advent: December 13, 2020Isaiah 61: 1-2 a, 10-11; 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24; John 1: 1-6, 19-28.
J-Jesus... the first priority and the foundation.
Y-You... of course last but not the least
Friday, December 11, 2020
Face the fire!
December 12, 2020: 2nd Saturday in Advent
Sirach 48: 1-4, 9-11; Matthew 17: 9a, 10-13
Thursday, December 10, 2020
To find your depth...
December 11, 2020: 2nd Friday in Advent
Isaiah 48: 17-19; Matthew 11:16-19
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
The Reign suffers!
December 10, 2020: 2nd Thursday in Advent
Isaiah 41: 13-20; Matthew 11: 11-15
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
To never grow tired!
December 09, 2020: Second Wednesday in Advent
Isaiah 40: 25-31; Matthew 11: 28-30
Monday, December 7, 2020
God's Plan: Not Magic but Mystery!
December 8, 2020: Immaculate Conception of our Blessed MotherGenesis 3: 9-15, 20; Ephesians 1: 3-6, 11-12; Luke 1: 26-38
Today's feast is not so much to celebrate the Blessed Mother of God, as to celebrate the Eternal plan of God. God has a plan for each of us, from before the foundations of the world, reminds us the Liturgy today. At times we look at this plan as something magical and try to guess it through means of mediums and methods of all sorts: palmistry, star signs, fortune tellers and prediction professionals! God's plan is not a magic for us to manipulate; it is a mystery to be lived. God's plans unfold moment by moment, as and when we live.
Today we see, in time immemorial the promise that God made that God will set a woman and her offspring against the evil tempter of the world. And we celebrate how this plan at the foundations of the creation, unfolded in total obscurity, in the womb which bore the womb that would bear the Son of God. What a great mystery!
It is not for us to guess God's plan or calculate God's moves: that is a radical impossibility. But we are called to believe in the God's plan, accept it and cooperate with it! God has chosen us before the foundation of the world and therefore we are not here by chance; God has willed us into existence! It is our task to discern what God's plan is for us at any particular given time and carry it out, as did our Blessed Mother all her life.
The aspect we celebrate in our Blessed Mother today is the total cooperation that she offered to the plan of God, because of which she lived all her life, holy and blameless. Let us fix our minds on the Word today: that we are chosen before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before God in love.
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Strange things or Miracles: learn to see
December 7, 2020: 2nd Monday in Advent
Isaiah 35: 1-10; Luke 5: 17-26
When things happen in an unexpected way, we exclaim - 'what a coincidence!' A worse expression is to say, 'how strange!' A truly Christian outlook would be to cry out 'it is a miracle!' Yes, at times people think miracles are few and far they abound. Miracles abound for those who are ready to see them around.The Gospel today says the people said: we have seen strange things today. Worse still, there were those who were finding fault with Jesus who was the reason for things that were happening. Who were truly disciples of Christ: those who were, from the beginning able to see what Jesus was upto...his compassion, his love for the crippled man, his passion for God and God's children and finally the act of forgiveness and healing...every bit of it was a miracle for them!
The first reading speaks of deserts flowering, wilderness turning a haven, wild beasts disappearing and glory of God filling all the would sound strange for some. Worse still, for some it would sound foolish and infantile and too spiritualising. For true disciples of Christ, it will be a miracle to be expected, prayed for, and beheld when it happens.
In all these what is the difference between the outlooks: the capacity to see, observe and behold miracles. Miracles abound for those who are ready to see them around.
Let us learnt to see miracles, on a daily basis they keep happening to us in our ordinary lives. A smile from a person when you just need it; a tap on your shoulder when you are all down in spirit, a call from a dear one when you feel you are totally down and out, a glad news from someone when you are gloomy and blue, a surprising encounter with a person when you least expected it...all these account for miracles, of only we learn to see in them what the Lord wants to accomplish through these and communicate in them. It is a special capacity we can acquire only in the School of Jesus...let us learn to see!
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Prepare the way!
Isaiah 40: 1-5, 9-11; 2 Peter 3: 8-14; Mark 1: 1-8
One fourth of the Advent is gone; and soon it will be Christmas! The Lord will be here anytime, warn the readings today. Last week liturgy invited us to watch, and this week it invites us to WAIT.
Waiting can be of two fundamental kinds. The first type is a passive indifference - you wait helplessly; you wait doing nothing, because you think you can do nothing about it! You are passive and you are inactive...whatever you are waiting for, has to happen by itself and you feel you have no part of it, until it really begins to happen. The other type of waiting is, an active preparation - you are totally involved in the expectant events. Though you know you cannot do much about what you are waiting for, but you can do all the preparations for it, and you do it with such enthusiasm, that when it really happens you begin to live the moment to the full.
A Christian waiting can never be an indifference or a passive helplessness regarding things that happen. That is what the world calls fate. The difference between the concepts of fate and will of God, is the love that is involved in the latter. A love with which a person lives to the full the moments of preparation, in order that the event itself could be meaningfully experienced. Yes, a Christian Waiting at advent is an active participation in the historical events that announce and usher in the Reign of God.
What does this WAIT concretely consist of? The liturgy today offers a clarity on this.
To wait is to Wish the coming of the Lord. True Waiting begins with a real wish, a want, a true desire that the Lord comes. It cannot be based on a dubious or a half hearted acceptance of an inevitable situation. A truly Christian waiting for the Lord should begin from an ardent desire that the Lord should visit us. Sometimes this wish or desire can be half hearted because of the fear of the changes that the Lord can effect with the coming.
There were those who did not wish the coming of the Lord - just imagine Herod becoming troubled at the news of a child being born. Recall those people of the Gerasenes (Mk 5), who did not want the Lord to come into their village. Let us not take this condition for granted - the condition to wish the coming of the Lord. At times, even we may tell that Lord, 'please do not enter my life...I cannot afford to change anything there right now!'
To wait is to Allow the hand of the Lord. Isaiah today speaks of the changes that we need to look forward to; that the valleys be filled and the hills be leveled! It cannot be a true Christian attitude to want the Lord to come but not being ready to do anything or give into any change personally or as a community. It is a readiness to allow the Lord to challenge us to perfection.
Yes, if we truly wish the coming of the Lord into our lives, we need to allow the Lord to have his way! Today I want to dine with you the Lord said to Zacchaeus; and the very moment he began climbing down that sycamore, Zacchaeus started planning his itinerary already...I will change; I will become better; I will repent; I will restitute what I have unlawfully taken from others; I will relinquish my comforts for the right way of living. That is allowing the hand of the Lord to work on me, on my life, on my daily decisions.
To wait is to Inhabit the dwellings of the Lord. The second reading speaks to us of the need to conduct ourselves in holiness and devotion. The Gospel presents to us a people who went in search of the man of God that they may get closer to God, purify their ways and dwell in holiness and devotion. How eager are we to dwell in the courts of the Lord? How prepared are we to inhabit the new heavens and the new earth that the Lord promises us?
The coming of the Lord is a figurative phrase! It is not that the Lord has to come from somewhere, as if the Lord is not already with us. But it is a fact that we need to come home to the Lord. We are busy elsewhere, while the Lord waits at home, with arms wide open. We have neither the time nor the patience to recognise the Lord present and the arms that wish to console us, calm us, enthuse us and energise us. We need to inhabit the dwellings of the Lord - the Lord's favourite dwelling is our being...our inner being where the Lord resides...let us come home to this dwelling and get in touch with the Lord there.
To wait is to Tremble at the presence of the Lord. Let each one work out one's own salvation with fear and trembling, St. Paul would instruct elsewhere (Phil 2:12). John the Baptist personifies the need to prepare oneself in earnestness for the day of the Lord. He gives the ways and means of being prepared for the Reign of God. When the people looked for a saviour in the Baptist, he admits it with trembling before the Lord that the One who comes after him is mightier than him. And not just that, but that we need to prepare with haste for the day of the Lord.
There are no fixed formulae nor some short cut pathways to reach the salvation that God has in store for is something that we need to work out on a daily basis: it is working out to be fit for the Reign. As John the Baptist indicates, each of us, depending on the state of life that we are in and the daily commitments that we have and the context in which we live our lives - we need to plan our itineraries. The journey we began last week is fast running its course out. We cannot take it at ease, or wait inactively for an opportune moment. We need to make decisions here and change, to grow, to prepare more in concrete for the coming of the Lord.
Lets WAIT... wish heartily the coming of the Lord, allow the hand of the Lord to change our lives, inhabit the dwellings of the Lord and tremble at the presence of Lord. Let us take stock of the journey so far and continue in earnestness.
Friday, December 4, 2020
Presence - the greatest gift
Thursday, December 3, 2020
The Gift of Seeing
December 4, 2020: First Friday of Advent
Isaiah 29: 17-24; Matthew 9: 27-31Seeing is a gift, a great gift indeed. Not seeing is a sad thing. It is difficult to really understand where we are and what is around us! We would not know the imminent danger and we would be unaware of the risk that lies at the next step.
If 'not seeing' is a sad thing, not knowing that you cannot see is still worse! It is more dangerous than not seeing itself...because when you know you cannot see, you will learn to be cautious; you will feel like getting help; you will know that you are vulnerable.
When you do not know that you cannot see, you think that you see everything, when in fact you do not see! It is a dangerous situation and you are all the more vulnerable. You would be treading a risky path but you will never know when you will be trapped. There will be help available just beside you, but you will not make use of it, because you wouldn't think you need it.
The Lord is our light and he is there right beside us - both in person and in and through other persons! Depends on us to cry out: "Son of David, have mercy on us!" Let us then pray for a threefold grace: to know it when we are unable to see; to know that there is just beside us the Lord, who is the light; and the grace that we may see!
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
The Missionary of the Millennium
Happy feast of the Missionary of the Millennium!
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Hope in God
December 2, 2020: Wednesday, 1st week in AdventAt these kind of moments, despair can get the better of us. The whole heated discussion of the rising level of intolerance in India (and even elsewhere), the neglect of the poor, struggle of the farmers, the plight of the middle class and the insensitive politics and all that is happening in the society is yet another despair inducing scenario. The increasing conditions of inhumanity and violence in the world and the lack of transparent and righteous coalitions against evil, is an alarming state of affairs!
It is against this background that the Word speaks today: the Lord will wipe the tears from every cheek and will feel God's people to fulfillment. That is hope... to say, God will act on my behalf. Just imagine what it means to say that...
God... to think of God, feel God's nearness and relate to God from the depth of one's heart.
God will... yes, God may take time, it may delay, but God will. It is part of the hope to say, God will act in God's own time.
God will act... God is not a passive onlooker...God acts on my behalf and I need to let God do so, to act on my behalf, to direct me, and to take me along, like a Shepherd, with love and care!
God will act on my behalf...I am loved and I am cared for. My God, my Shepherd does not abandon me any day in any way! God will act on my behalf, all I need is to wait in hope, on the Lord
Christian living and thinking is all about hope. Waiting for the Lord is all about hope. Hoping in the Lord is not a leap in the dark, it's seeing the light that comes through or being determined to pick up the first streak of light that pierces through. Hope makes us authentically Christians... fear strips us of it!